How to quickly start programming

Vasco barbosa
2 min readJan 2, 2022


Programming is a mindset. A lot of my friends want to start programming, and they ask me for advice.

Where should I start, Python? C? Java? what’s out there? Where to begin?

Almost all of them move toward Python and for a lot of reasons ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ).
I guess those are valid point of views, but my advice would be other.

Although I love the versatileness of Python, and use it from time to time ( have a robot fully implemented on python ) I believe it’s a difficult language as a first language.

The way python handle errors and the format of the language are very unique, making you dive into a very specific type of programming that will not let you quickly migrate to other programming languages without having to change the mindset all over again.

What I usually advise people to start is processing.

Processing uses the Java language, with additional simplifications such as additional classes and aliased mathematical functions and operations. It also provides a graphical user interface for simplifying the compilation and execution stage. — Wikipedia

It is very well written. very well documented and if u follow the coding train with Daniel Shiffman or buy his book you will start developing that programmers mindset in no time.

Doing some study for this entry I found out that Daniel has an amazing intro to processing here.

You can actually start testing it ( programming and examples at ) p5.js or ( on this last one you can dig on the code for better understanding of what’s happening )

Note: I know that processing also has a python mode but, to be honest, I never used it.

Even though today I prefer Openframeworks, for a lot of reasons, this wouldn’t be possible without Ben Fry and Casey Reas platform for programmers.

The Processing equivalent of a “Hello World” program is simply to draw a line:

size(400, 400);
background(192, 64, 0);
line(150, 25, 270, 350);

Have fun



Vasco barbosa

Creative Technologist Lives in Lisbon — Work Globally CTO/Founder of Data Artist at