Money and wealth in the Horoscope

V Astro
8 min readMar 11, 2020


The opinion of famous astrologers:

According to Carl Rushman:

1. Income and inheritance are recorded from the 2nd and 8th houses respectively.
2. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in auspicious aspect with Venus and or Jupiter can bring wealth.
3. Uranus in the aspect of Neptune or Venus can mean unexpected wealth. Often people with such a combination of such aspects win the lottery and lottery.
4. Jupiter’s match with Neptune suggests money. A man with such a coincidence knows that wealth awaits him and it really comes. Faith and hope help to obtain this wealth, as well as the reward for past / good deeds in previous life.
5. As the natural ruler of an 8th house — Pluto can bring riches.
6. The map of many multimillionaires can see the coincidence of Pluto with Jupiter or Pluto with Venus. / Such is Bill Gates’s horoscope /
7. Wealth can also bring Jupiter into a triangle with Saturn and even Jupiter into a square with Saturn. Often times, when these two planets are in Cancer or Capricorn, the wealth can come in the form of property and real estate.
8. If the astrologer notices in his client’s horoscope the Sun in 2 home and it has several aspects, then this person will definitely make money. These people will not feel satisfied and will not acquire personality until they are rich. With the Sun in the 2nd house, they will make their own money. The planets in the 2nd house show activity in making money, but also in their spending. In the cards of many millionaires, the Sun is in the 2nd house. These people work very hard to get rich. They are successful in both favorable and unfavorable aspects of the sun. Sun in the 2nd house, but without aspect says that a person and more limited in their ability to make money.In transit and progression to the Sun, these abilities are increased because the ability to make money is activated.
9. Another good incentive for making money is the Sun in Corner Homes. The angular Sun can manifest itself openly, and this will give it a boost. The Sun in the 1st house will give a person the ability to self-accumulate condition. This applies to those who have a strong character. If such a person focuses on making money, he or she will succeed. Sun in 4th house — destiny and family will help this person to succeed. It can inherit a family business, property or wealth. If the Sun is in the 7th house, success will come through partners, patrons or popularity. A person with a Sun in 10th house will attract many career opportunities. This is a person with great ambitions and need to rule and have a position in society. For such a person, nothing is more important than a career.
10. The 8th house represents the combined finances, shares, taxes of insurance, industrial unions, partner’s money, other people’s money, investments and inherited money. People with such a situation can make a fortune at the expense of investment. They can also marry or inherit money and fortune. Women with Sun in the 8th house receive money thanks to their husband or business partner. Her card can help a man make money or wealth will come to him on other paths.
11. A person with a weak 5th house / house of speculation / but a strong 8th house should not make investments without first consulting.
12. If there are planets in the human horoscope in the 27th, 28th, 29th degrees, such a person can achieve something special in his life. There are many millionaires with planets at 27, 28, 29 degrees in all signs, but most in earth or water signs. Taurus or Scorpio 29 degrees bankrupt. These two signs can bring two extremes: either colossal wealth or financial disaster. The planets at 28, 29 degrees Leo are approaching the fixed fixed star Regulus. This placement can bring enviable position, power and success.
13. Some people are just lucky. Those who have any aspect between Venus and Jupiter fall into this category.

Other opinions on the issue of Horoscope money:

1. The importance of Saturn (perseverance) and Mars (activity) is not insignificant. They are indicators of how a person is able to earn their money through their efforts. Each aspect between Mars and Saturn strives for prosperity, activates ambition.
2. The position of Venus in the horoscope shows what a person’s ability to “attract” money is. If Venus is favorably located with the managers of the 2nd and 8th, and to a lesser extent the 11th, or is in one of these homes, it indicates a high ability to raise money. Venus in negative aspects with Neptune predisposes to waste of money. Neptune in favorable terms with Venus or Jupiter is a good sign of attracting money.
3. In many maps of rich and wealthy people, Saturn is associated with the 2nd and 8th houses. The aspect may not be straightforward — coincidence or quadrature. Then Saturn goes as a short complement to the positive aspects of Venus, Jupiter, Neptune. Saturn gives realism

How do different planets influence the ways to acquire wealth:

1. SATURN gives wealth through construction, agriculture, crop production, minerals and minerals. Saturn in good standing, strong Saturn in 4th house gives wealth through real estate inheritance. Saturn above the horizon, in angular homes and in good conjunction with the moon and Jupiter gives a good adaptation to life’s circumstances and opportunity for inheritance.
2. JUPITER — most strongly affects wealth. Jupiter in good aspects with the moon and in angular homes and especially in the 1st house gives benefits. Jupiter brings wealth through official and state affairs, churches, laws, patronage, and official and transfer duties. If Jupiter is badly aspected by the luminaries, and especially if the moon is in opposition to Jupiter, there are reasons for poverty and unusual behavior on the part of the owner of the horoscope.
3. MARS provides wealth through dealing with weapons, machinery, cars, heavy industry, military affairs, armaments. The bad aspects of the luminaries to Mars — will lead to some degree of unbelief, a small — chance, but if they help Venus or Jupiter will succeed in the end, regardless of the obstacles.
4. MERCURY gives wealth through science and commerce. Mercury injured by Uranus is the cause of losses through public organizations, sudden disasters. A severely stricken Mercury gives poverty and imprisonment. Mercury in good aspects with the moon succeeds in many endeavors.
5. Venus is the main signifier of wealthIf it is well-regarded, it gives a good career and other successes through rich friends and relationships with rich people, husband and wife, benefit of women.
6. THE MOST GOOD INDICATORS OF WEALTH IS THE SUN, THE MOON AND THE PARS FORTUNA IN CORNER HOMES, INCLUDING FAVORABLE STANDING STARS from as many malicious planets as possible. The ascending, North Lunar Node is also lucky. The SUN gives riches by moving on a job, career, title, gift. An undefeated Sun in trigon with the moon also gives riches.
7. POVERTY SIGNS — affected lights in falling homes. Burned Moon or in opposition to the Sun, especially in the 2nd house. All planets below the horizon — many difficulties in youth. Many retrograde planets, the disposer of Pars Fortuna struck, the Southern Lunar Node in the 2nd house, or the governor of the 2nd house retrograde, unfavorable, weak Saturn and Mars in the second house. Saturn and the Moon in an unfavorable aspect is a serious enough indicator of poverty.

Wealth and Money in Astrology by S.V. Shestopalov

1. FINANCIAL PLANETS in business astrology include — Mars, Venus, Sun, Moon, Pluto, Jupiter and Neptune. All these planets can symbolize the concepts of money, finances, material goods in the horoscope.
2. NON-FINANCIAL PLANETS ARE — Mercury, Saturn and Uranium. Their position and aspects do not have a significant impact on matters of material benefit.
3. THERE ARE PLANETARY ASPECTS THAT GIVE FINANCIAL BENEFITS. Basically, the harmonious aspects are considered as positive guidelines.
4. THE SUN AND THE MOON — sextile, trigone, match — gives preference to those who have no aspect. These people are financially prosperous. The harmonious aspects of MARS — Venus, Venus — Moon, Venus — Jupiter, Jupiter — Moon, that is, all financial planets with each other, are practically exactly considered.
5. Every major aspect of Jupiter with PLUTON is called the “millionaire aspect”, but if it is a tense aspect it can be expected after the bankruptcy of wealth.
6. WE MUST REMEMBER that money comes to man not only because he is walking, but also as a result of diligence. Even if a person has a huge inherited condition, he or she must find a way to preserve it. There are aspects that help to preserve the condition and those that encourage loss of condition.
7. TENSIONS in this sense are tense interactions between the financial planets, the energy-consuming ones. It takes energy — the Moon, Neptune, Saturn and Venus. The negative aspects between these planets take away man’s money and energy. It turns out that one cannot earn and store what one has. It may not be healthy enough, lazy, or something else that is constantly interfering. Particularly unpleasant in this sense are the tense aspects of the Moon — Saturn, the Moon — Venus, the Moon — Neptune.
8. All homes in the horoscope can be viewed for financial benefit.
1st home — personal effects.
2nd house — available cash and movable property, talent, habits, ability to make money, to find means of subsistence, everything that a person buys and sells.
3rd house — means of transport and connections.
4th house — real estate assets and shares.
5th house — values, valuable shares, stock market and real estate price.
6th house — home appliances, work-related items, tools, machines, etc.

The links between the homes that make up the wealth formula, the ability to raise money and maintain financial condition. This is the connection of the 2nd and 8th homes.
1. 2nd and 8th homes. The large number of connections between the two homes speaks for the material well-being of the person. This is the formula of a successful businessman.
2. If these are only harmonious aspects, this person may not be involved in business, but someone maintains it well. There is always some person who supplies him with money. This is other people’s money and very often it’s a wife, a wife.
3. Only the negative aspects of 2nd and 8th homes / three or more connections in the radix / shows the formula of restrictions. It is the horoscope of a person who wants, dreams, craves for a lot of money / can hide it from others and even from himself /. When a situation arises in which he will benefit, he will not think and will not comply with moral principles. If this happens to energy-consuming planets — Moon, Neptune, Saturn, and Venus, then he will want to, but he will not be able to and the pursuit of money will take away his energy and health. It will be very difficult for him.
4. If the formula of the 2nd — 8th house is formed by planets giving energy — the Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Uranus and Pluto man will not only want, but also actively acquire money, even too actively.

