The four elements — fire, air, earth and water, as elements in the structure of the horoscope

V Astro
5 min readMar 10, 2020

The astrological map of man is constructed at the moment of his birth, for the moment when he takes his first breath and adjusts to the cosmic energy sources. The birth horoscope reveals our energy model and our setup to the four elements — Fire, Air, Water and Earth. They symbolize all four of a person’s primary needs for air, water, land (food) and fire (heat) and are represented in varying proportions and activity in the horoscope. Many ancient cultures include the four elements in their philosophical, religious and mythological beliefs, as the source of life — the invisible vital energies.
The elements, as an element of the horoscope, represent different types of consciousness and sensibility. They are divided into two main groups — Fire and Air are active (Yang energies) and Water and Earth are passive (Yin energies), which determines their compatibility.
FIRE is the universal radiating energy, the conduit of life.
AIR is associated with breathing and thought processes and patterns.
WATER is associated with the nuances of deep emotional processes, desires, intuition.
EARTH is associated with material forms and structures, with physical sensibility.

Zodiacal Sign Split:

Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Air: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini

Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Earth: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

The Fire and Air Signs completely pour out their soul and unreservedly bring their vital energy out, while the Water and Earth Signs live more inside themselves and very cautiously allow the energy to go out freely.
Fiery signs are the conduit of life. The people in whose cards the Fire is emphasized express themselves through direct action, have a strong will and enthusiasm, have a high spirit and faith in their own power. They need freedom, ideals and a wide space to assert themselves. They are sincere, open, trusting, generous and generous. Sometimes they are naive with a keen sense of justice. On the other hand, they can be impatient, hasty, non-diplomatic, even rude and destructive. The Fire Signs are compatible with the Air — The Air blows the Fire, the Water extinguishes it, and the Earth floods it.
The dominance of the Fire in the horoscope can lead to excessive physical activity, impulsiveness, impotence, overconfidence and self-centeredness. In the worst case, overconfidence, to impiety, to ruthless harshness and arrogance, is possible. If the fiery element in the horoscope is not accentuated or completely missing, one is deprived of faith and optimism, lacks confidence, inspiration, cheerfulness, fears the challenges of life.
Air signs are the most sociable of all. People in whose horoscope emphasizes the Air Element easily establish social contacts, possess the gift of speech and enviable communication skills. They can work with any person without being concerned with their problems and emotions. They have the ability to distance themselves from everyday life, generate abstract ideas and are sometimes big dreamers. Eccentric and individualistic, they look in perspective, cannot accept the limitations of the physical body.
The element Air is related to the process of breathing, etc. “prana” in the teaching of yoga. People with an emphasized air element need to stay outdoors and have highly ionized air to charge.
Excessive dominance of the Air Element in the horoscope can lead to excessive irritability and exhaustion of the nervous system, mental overload, excessive conceptualization, concentration on ideas — without achieving special results. Periodic changing of the environment, separation from ordinary activities and meditation are recommended.
People with no Air Element in the horoscope rarely think about their privacy and the problems they have (do not self-analyze), limit themselves in their personal activity, are distrustful of change, any new thought or idea seems threatening, possible adaptive problems.

Watermarks are tuned to the nuances of feelings and emotions. People with a pronounced Water element in the horoscope have a sensitive psyche and a strong intuition. They are compassionate and compassionate, caring and willing to help. They have deep passions as well as strong irrational fears. They react emotionally, even if on the surface it seems that everything is calm, on a deeper level it can boil and rage. They are devoted, strongly attached, capable of all-encompassing and supreme love. Although Water has tremendous inner power and all-pervading power, they are very vulnerable, they do not like demonstrative personalities such as the Fire and Air signs, they like the stability and serenity of the Earth.
The weak emphasis on the Water element or the lack of Water in the horoscope manifests itself on a mental, emotional and physical level. People who lack an adjustment to the Water element find it difficult to express feelings and are not aware of their own emotional needs. In extreme cases, a person may seem cold, distant and insensitive, distrustful of intuitive knowledge. These people should gradually allow pain, suffering and love to surface and purify their bodies from the accumulated toxins due to emotional retention.
People whose cards are dominated by Water are hypersensitive and need to learn how to control and channel their emotions. They have a rich imagination and, at best, have spiritual, occult interests and healing powers. In a bad case, they can be hypersensitive, moody, emotionally labile, fear-ridden, locking themselves in a defensive position that deprives them of vitality and purpose in life.

Earth signs are attuned to material forms and structures in the real world. They rely on physical sensibility and practical reason. With patience, perseverance and self-discipline, they achieve the much needed material security. They are accurate, precise, pragmatic and rational. They act slowly but surely, pay close attention to detail. On the other hand, adherence to the practical world limits their imagination and makes them quite conservative. People with a dominant Earth element may exhibit narrow-mindedness, excessive workaholism, skepticism, adherence to the “eye to see — hand to touch” principle, unseen outside the material reality.
From the outside, they can look emotionally restrained, cold and calculating.
People with weak or missing Earth element live in “another world”, neglect their own material needs, find it difficult to adapt to the harsh reality, unable to defend their material interests. They need to learn to accept the limitations of the physical world, to observe discipline, and to strictly follow a schedule of daily activities. The lack of the Earth element can also have many positive results in creative personalities at a high spiritual and intellectual level.
The four elements — Fire, Air, Water and Earth — are rarely represented in equal proportions and activity in the birth horoscope. Usually one or two elements are emphasized and the others are less pronounced.
The lack of an element in the horoscope can be compensated — for example: a strongly placed Saturn can give the necessary Earth setting, and a strong Mars can compensate for the lack of the Fire element.

