Who is your ideal partner

V Astro
5 min readMar 30, 2020

In my deep conviction, the question of what exactly is a relationship between two people cannot and should not be considered solely as pre-written by the stars or by one who usually “writes” what happens in people’s lives.

On the contrary, we must not neglect the “capitals” with which we go to a particular connection — we must be extremely aware of what we have, but on the other hand, the consciousness, free will and energy that one is inclined to invest and moisture remain very important to me. to be born. As well as the understanding that in this case, too, one needs to take responsibility and help himself to develop the good opportunities at his disposal. In some cases, it is really enough to have good compatibility, and when the relevant external event happens, it just starts the relationship that we have already read about in the maps.
However, reality is also abundant in cases where, with classically powerful positive combinations of horoscopes, there is not the least real likelihood of creating a partnership.
Last but not least, how each partner approaches such situations, what they need, how much they are willing to cheat on their basic behaviors.
When we want to gauge the likelihood and nature of a relationship between two people, we may be more oriented and objective after we have thoroughly examined the position of the element, sign, and home of the Moon, Venus, and Mars in the natal charts of the people we view, as and the aspects they form.
The moon will answer us what makes a person feel comfortable, how he adapts, how he responds to external influences, will reveal to us his sensitivity and sensuality, will outline to us how a person perceives his mother, which is extremely important in the men’s cards. Again, they are also indicative of the type of woman he perceives as the most appropriate for his wife.
Venus will reveal to us what the aesthetic criteria of a person are, what they like unconditionally, as well as what they seek in their intimate relationships, friendship, marriage and love. In the cards of men she describes the ideal wife.Mars will outline the reactions of the man, his most impulsive behavior, will characterize his sexual needs and manifestations. In the cards of women reveals the type of man who is most attractive in this case and forms the idea of ​​the ideal lover. In this order, in addition to the personality trait of the partners, the Sun in the women’s cards will also describe the husband’s archetype. In his research, it is good to assess Saturn’s situation, which may also be indicative of the case.
The more advanced in astrology should also look carefully at the seventh house in the maps of the synastry. The sign on its top, as well as the planets that may be located there, will further inform us of the individual’s attitude and ability for close relations, as well as of his or her appearances in that sphere.
It is important to study the fifth, eighth, first homes as well as the one where the sign of the Sun of man is located.
After analyzing the initial information about the needs and expectations of each of the synagogue people, we move on to comparing the maps in question. What matters to them is how the elements that dominate the two maps combine and the aspects between the planets in the two horoscopes. When maps are examined for their potential for love and marriage, the planets that are paramount to the compatibility between two people are the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and partly Mercury. The most important and powerful aspects of action that can exist between them are the match, the opposition, the square and the trigger. Of these, the greatest attention should be paid to coincidences, which guarantee a powerful interaction between the planets.
Some of the most important will be discussed below. If we find them after comparing our horoscope to that of a loved one, no wonder we have found a half.
We have a coincidence when one of the planets is in the same sign as a planet from the partner’s horoscope with a tolerance of up to 10 degrees for aspects involving the sun and moon and up to 5 degrees when only the other planets are involved. Its influence is determined by the planets involved.
We can attach the greatest importance to the classic combinations of the coincidence between the Sun in the horoscope of one partner and the moon of the other, the Sun and Venus, the Sun and Mars, Mars and Venus, the Moon and Mars.
Having one of them is already a very good start and creates powerful potential in the relationship between two people.
When one partner’s Sun coincides with the other’s Moon, there is a perfect blend of the expectations and needs of the Moon that she sees fulfilled and manifested by her partner’s personality. or the feeling that this particular partner is the most complete and sure to guarantee her stability. Harmony and understanding. Ideal opportunity for the Sun to manifest itself unlimitedly and to have its influence fully perceived and mastered.
When the Woman’s Sun coincides with the Venus of the man, we can talk about the perfect combination of the ideas and expectations of the man for the ideal wife and partner. Her personality expresses what he truly likes, and in turn, she fully expresses herself in a friendly, heartfelt and positive environment where her personality is met with maximum acceptance and approval. Romance and love, mutual encouragement, loyalty, love and affection.
When one partner’s Sun coincides with the other’s Mars, we can expect strong sexual attraction and passion, but also a lot of energy, in principle, which the partner with Mars provides for the other’s personality. When one partner’s Mars coincides with the other’s Venus, we are faced with a really powerful attraction, a violent and passionate mutual desire, and excellent sexual compatibility.
Romantic gusts. The energy of the partner with Mars promotes and expresses what the other likes, and vice versa — the partner with Venus definitely likes and discovers his ideal for emotional and erotic relationship with the partner with Mars.
When one partner’s moon coincides with the other’s Mars, there is a strong attraction and sexual compatibility, in which the moon’s needs are met in an intense and direct way by Mars. Combining ideas about love partners.
In synastry, it is also important to look at how Mercury’s positions are combined in the maps, to inform us how the two partners communicate at an informed, intellectual level. Here, too, it is true that, even if there are coincidences and triggers between the two positions, we can expect good conscious contact, understanding of the other’s attitudes and needs as he formulates them; good and adequate communication.
Saturn in a woman’s card is very often an indicator of the type of husband who attracts and searches for her. More astrologers comment that it is common in conjunction with the partner’s Sun or Moon in spouses’ horoscopes.

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