A Step-By-Step Stages of the IVF Process

5 min readDec 21, 2022

Now-a-days IVF is one of the most popular know fertility process in the country. IVF is the best known solution and it is suggested by the doctors when all the infertility treatments get failed. IVF stands for In vitro fertilization. It is a medical procedure where an egg is fertilized by a sperm outside the body in a test tube. When the egg gets fertilized properly it is inserted back in the body where it grows like a normal baby. There are many ivf center in jodhpur which are run by the best infertility specialist in Jodhpur.

If you have made your decision to walk on this path, then you should be ready to go under a lot of medical examinations, tests and procedures. It is a roller coaster ride with alot of emotional ups and downs. This procedure can give you success in just one try or may take more than one try to get the successful result which you desired for. But we would suggest you to stay positive and calm on each and every step of this process.

Step 1: Before starting IVF treatment

Before even starting the IVF procedure, your IVF specialist will prescribe you the birt control pills which will help in reducing the risk of ovarian hyper-stimulation. They will use the basal body temperature charting or ovulation predictor kit to check when you are going to ovulate. Once they get this information, they will start prescribing you hormonal medication so that your ovulation can be controlled. These medications are very helpful when your period cycles are irregular. So your doctor will try to bring your periods on time regularly.

Step 2. Getting your period

The first day of your period is the official start day of your ivf treatment process. On the second day of your period, you will be asked to get blood tests, so that your doctor can check the oestrogen levels in your body. Your IVF specialist will also perform an ultrasound in order to check the size of ovaries and to detect the presence of any ovarian cysts, which may be like a hurdel in your treatment. You can also discuss about the IVF treatment cost in Jodhpur with your doctor.

If any ovarian cyst is detected then doctor will wait for a week’s time to allow them get dissolve or take them out with the help of needle.

Step 3. Stimulating Ovaries

In natural conditions one egg is released every month by the ovaries. However, to increase the success rate in IVF more mature eggs can be targeted. Doctor will inject a hormonal medication for 1–2 weeks for stimulating ovaries and produce more eggs.

Step 4. Monitoring appointments

There are going to be a lot of monitoring appointments will be scheduled:

- A trans vaginal ultrasound will be conducted in order to measure the thickness of lining of uterus as well as the growth of the egg follicles in ovaries.

- Blood tests will be done to measure the levels of estrogen which shows the development and maturation of eggs.

- Every time a test report arrives, your ivf specialist will share some instructions and also give you the information about the progress.

- If any new medication is required or any old medication needs to be stoped or changed.

Step 5. Trigger shot

According to the monitoring results, the size of your follicles and oestrogen level, your ivf specialist will decide when to give you a trigger shot. This will help the ovaries to fully mature and pave way for ovulation. The key important thing is timing. In this stage egg has to be retrieved before the ovaries start ovulating.

Step 6. Egg retrieval

Around, 3 days after the trigger shot is given your appointment will be scheduled to the lab for retrieving the eggs. An anaesthesia will be given to you, then a needle will be inserted into each ovary to remove the egg along with the follicular fluid. This will a small procedure which will take around 30–45 minutes.

Step 7. Insemination of Egg in the Laboratory

An appointment will be scheduled for your partner, his sperm will be collected and stored either earlier or on the same day of insemination. If the sperms are not healty the sperm injection (ICSI) may be used. A single healthy sperm is isolated and injected into the egg. This whole process is done in the embryology lab of your IVF clinic.

Step 8. Embryo Development

Once the fertilisation process gets completed. Embryos will began to develop. This whole process of growth and development is closely examined by a specialist for at least 1 week.

Step 9. Embryo Transfer

Around 5th day after the egg retrieval an appointment is scheduled for the embryo transfer. As per your quality of the embryos, your age and previous medical treatments, either 1 or more embryos will be transferred into your body. For females whose age is less than 37 years, undergoing through their Ist IVF cycle and with good quality of blastocysts, ivf specialist may opt for elective Single Embryo Transfer (eSET). A catheter is used to insert the embryo in your uterus.

Step 10. Pregnancy Test

In order to make sure the process is going in the right direction, you will have to wait for at least 2 weeks before taking any kind of pregnancy test. You will be called for a blood test to check the hCG levels in your body. If it is more than 25mIU/ml, then it means you are pregnant. Still, to be doubly sure doctor may ask you to take another test in 2–3 days. If the level of hCG becomes double after 2–3 days, it indicates a healthy pregnancy.

After the completion of 6–8 weeks, a vaginal ultrasound is performed by your doctor to check the fetal heartbeat and amniotic sac to make sure the positive development of your pregnancy.

For many females this whole process may not successfully get complete, which would be very disappointing for the couples. But do not lose your hope.Discuss with your ivf specialist what can be done best for the next time and work on it.. There are many best IVF center in Jodhpur where you can discuss more about this process.

