
Late evening walk

Vasyl Pasternak
2 min readFeb 26, 2014

It was a cold windy day here in Barcelona so we decided to go some sightseeing.

Tibidabo is 30 mins away from the MWC exhibition center and there we planned to have a bird-eye look of Barcelona.

Barcelona, street lights and the coast

While we arrived to the place it become dark so we had an unique chance to look at the Barcelona in night.

Barcelona, downtown

Also we walked into Temple Expiatori del Sagrat Cor — a catholic church on the top of the mountain. It looks impressive. I thought that it was built long time ago — a 300-400 years or earlier. But wiki says that it is only 50 years old. My great respect to the architects who did such stunning building in the modern era.

Temple Expiatori del Sagrat Cor

The interior

I even light the candle. In the digital era-way:

Lighting a candle

The next post will be about Mobile World Congress.

