Tired of boring graphics? Try a pictograph!

Bryan Williams
Dec 18, 2022


Pictographs are an alternative way to visualize frequency distributions. This guide will teach you everything you need to know! It includes examples and illustrations. Get a deeper understanding of pictographs by learning about their various uses in data visualization! This article covers the basics, including examples and terminology.

Pictographs or pictograms are unique visualizations of discrete data including frequencies and percentages. Pictorial-based visualizations use single or multiple images or icons to illustrate distributions. Some pictographs illustrate the characteristics of a single category or group called a stratum.

Unfortunately, there are only a few tools to construct pictographs dynamically. That is why I created this little widget. Try it out and let me know what you think!

Click to see the widget!



Bryan Williams

University professor, scientist, activist, single dad, and just sane enough not to get committed.