Let’s be great together — Join my AWS & Python journey

Chapter 0

3 min readJan 3, 2023


Hi there!

My name is Francesco and I’m excited to share with you my journey as a Python programmer and AWS cloud architect. I’ve always been fascinated by the power of code to solve problems and build things, and over the years I’ve had the opportunity to work on different projects using Python and AWS.

I will tell you about my projects with Thanks Finance, a fintech start-up that does sentiment analysis for the stock market.
We will take inspiration from the projects carried out as Data Engineer and Data Scientist for large multinationals in the Telco and Automotive fields and who knows how many more things will come in the coming months and years.

Even if I don’t yet have as much experience as I would like, I am certain that the challenges I encounter every day can help someone else solve their own programming challenges.
Producing content is part of my goals for 2023 and what better place to start than Medium? I have been a member of this platform for years and I believe it is time for me to contribute.

Through this article series, I’ll be sharing my experiences and lessons learned as I delve deeper into the world of Python and cloud computing. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just getting started, I hope you’ll find these articles helpful and engaging.

So grab your favorite coffee (or tea!) and join me on this adventure as we explore the possibilities of Python and AWS together.

What does “vatemecum.py” mean?

The word “vademecum” is derived from the Latin phrase “vade mecum,” which means “go with me.” It refers to a manual or guidebook that one carries with them for reference. The word “vatemecum” is a play on this word, combining it with the Italian word “vate,” which means “prophet” or “poet” and which my friends have given me as a nickname, no doubt making irony.

.py → is the file extension for Python source code files. It stands for “Python.” When you see a file with the “.py” extension, it means that the file is a Python file and can be run as a program in a Python interpreter. For example, if you have a file called “my_script.py”, you can run it by typing “python my_script.py” in your terminal or command prompt.

In Italian literature, a “vate” is a poet or artist who is inspired by a divine muse and is able to produce works of great artistic and literary value. I’m sorry to disappoint my possible reader (I hope someone is there), but my muse is not divine at all, but technological. I refer to powerful AIs like ChatGPT and Transformers like GPT-3 and many others tools that help me construct these articles, translate concepts from Italian and search for information on the internet.

The good intentions for the year are all there, I hope to involve someone from the community in the journey!

Here we go!





Passionate software engineer, Python developer, AWS cloud architect and Authorized AWS Instructor with a love for finance and investing.