What is Uber?

Vatsal H. Shah
2 min readAug 20, 2017


Recently read something along the lines of: @Uber is a freight broker for human freight.”

As Non-Tech humans like to say nowadays: “I know a Tech Bro when I see one.” Now perhaps the intention of the writer was to prove a point, and he/she (most likely a he) wanted to go for brevity and come up with a smart concise way to convey what Uber is. Perhaps the writer had an urge to be looked upon as an erudite on whatever the latest most current hot topic is (Uber in this case), so I get where the writer might be coming from. But of-course this misses a bunch of nuances about what humans are. And more importantly, what freight is not :)

Uber is a freight broker for human freight.
  • Freight does not file complaints when the driver does not pick it up on time. Or drives like crazy. Or in rare scenarios, is a psychopath.
  • Freight does not judge you when the vehicle does not have leather seats. Or when the driver plays a Taylor Swift song.
  • Freight does not review the logistics/delivery app in the App Store and give it a rating of 1 Star for not being able to avail a discount. Or 5 star because, while “Pooling, the freight next to it was “beautiful” and/or “intellectually stimulating”
  • Freight does not rate the driver or the car via the app.
  • Freight does not exchange Phone-Numbers (or RFIDs, or QR Codes, or Snap Codes) with the Freight sitting next to it.
  • Freight does not refer/invite its freight friends to get a discount on the next delivery, while simultaneously helping “viralize the business” (Whatever viralize means) so as to help inflate the GMV of the logistics/delivery business. Also, freight does not have it’s own unique referral/invite code. Or may be it does. But you get the point. By the way, mine is: 17y6u. Use the invite code to your hearts content. Last time I checked, I was still not freight.
  • Freight does not involve in small-talk. Yet.
  • Freight definitely does not have emotions. Not just yet.

The last two points, that is what the state is as of today, as far as I know. Or may be there is some emotional freight child, with an Uber sized valuation, born from intersecting #DeepLearning with #IoT, that I am not aware of yet. Enlighten me if so!

So what is Uber in your opinion?



Vatsal H. Shah

Investing, Technology, Startups, Philosophy, History, Strategy, Cricket. Over a cup of Tea!