2 min readJun 7, 2020




UX development is the process of enhancement and development of overall user experience, whenever a user interacts with a website or an application the efficiency of this UX development process helps to achieve the product’s objective to provide maximum customer satisfaction. It deals with structuring of all the components of an application and wireframing an application to create an efficient and effective user flow.


UI development on the other hand is the process of enhancing the interaction between the application and the user. It deals with the presentation and interface of the website or the application, it focuses on the looks of the application and how the application interacts with the user. All the buttons, icons and other visual elements that we come across while using an application is the User Interface of that application.

Importance of UI/UX development

From the user perspective, every user wants to experience the best out of a product without any confusion or much time consumption. So, the same goes for websites and other applications, the better the interaction between the user and the products the better is the user experience which ultimately leads to a successful outcome.

In the end it’s all about the customers, and when it comes to an application’s or website’s user satisfaction, the key is in the application’s User Interface(UI) and User Experience design(UX).

