Intresting Facts About OS

2 min readFeb 1, 2023


✨What is an operating system!

In simple terms words ( OS) works as an interface between user and Hardware . It is an integrated set of programs that controls the resources ( CPU,Memory, Input/ Output devices) of a computer system and provide its users with an interface or virtual machine that is easier to use than the bare machine.

✨ Two most important work of an operating system are :-

  1. Make a computer easier to use.
  2. Manage the resources of a computer.

Note — OS ( operating system is an example of system software).

  • Microsoft office
  • Linux
  • Windows

These three are the examples of system software as well as all system software are operating system.

Let us know talk about the 2 maine components/ features of operating system.

1✨ Make a computer easier to use:-

A computer system consist of one or more processors, main Memory and many types of i/o devices such as disks , tapes, terminal, network interface etc .

➡️ Doing writing jobs by using these hardware resources correctly and efficiently is a difficult task. ( To do it ) it requires a deep knowledge of functioning of these resources.

✨ Hence to make computer usable for large numbers of users, it become clear that several years ago that computer system need some mechanism so the users can easily operate the Computers.

✨ An operating system hides details of hardware resources from programmer’s and others users.

➡️ Logical architecture of a computer system is shown as

✨ second important features of an operating system.

➡️ Manage the resources of a computer system.

As Operating system manages the resources of a computer system.

➡️ It involves keep tracking of who is using what resources, granting resources request, accounting for resources usage.

✨ function of an operating system

➡️ A separate module of OS performs all these functions of an operating system.

  1. File management
  2. Memory management
  3. Process management
  4. Security
  5. Command interpretation
  6. Device management

⭐ example of operating system

➡️ Window — It was introduced by Microsoft and windows operating system.

Window operating system is used in mainly all types of computers.

➡️✨ window journey has started from window 1.0 to latest in 2023 window 11 .

