Choosing the Right Git Workflow for Your Project: GitFlow, GitHub Flow, and GitLab Flow

Wagner Silva
3 min readApr 20, 2023


Photo by Yancy Min on Unsplash

Git is a powerful version control system widely used by developers to manage and track changes in their projects. One of the key aspects of working with Git is choosing a suitable workflow that can streamline collaboration and maintain a clean repository history. In this article, we’ll explore three popular Git workflows: GitFlow, GitHub Flow, and GitLab Flow, and provide some guidance on how to choose the right one for your project.

#1 — The Different Types of Git Workflows

i) GitFlow

GitFlow is a branching model created by Vincent Driessen that defines a structured set of branches to organize development. It is particularly suitable for projects with scheduled releases. The main branches include:

  • master: The main branch, which contains the production code.
  • develop: The development branch, where all features and bug fixes are merged before being promoted to the main branch.
  • feature: Temporary branches created to develop individual features, which are merged back into the develop branch when the feature is completed.
  • release: Branches created to prepare the next release, allowing for bug fixes and final adjustments before merging with master.
  • hotfix: Branches created to fix critical bugs in the production code, which are merged directly into master and develop.

ii) GitHub Flow

GitHub Flow is a simpler and lightweight workflow proposed by Scott Chacon that focuses on collaboration and continuous deployment. It is suitable for projects where releases are made frequently. The main branches include:

  • main (formerly called master): The main branch that contains the production code.
  • feature or bugfix: Temporary branches created to develop features or fix bugs. These branches are created from the main branch, and work is carried out in them.

Developers create pull requests to merge their changes from feature or bugfix branches back into the main branch. After the changes are reviewed and approved by other team members, they are merged and deployed to production.

iii) GitLab Flow

GitLab Flow is a combination of GitFlow and GitHub Flow, designed to offer a more flexible and adaptable approach to project management. It is based on five principles: branches, environments, permissions, merges, and deployments. The main branches include:

  • main: The main branch that contains the production code.
  • feature or bugfix: Temporary branches created to develop features or fix bugs.
  • environment branches (e.g., staging, production): Branches created to manage specific deployment environments.

Developers work on feature or bugfix branches and create merge requests to merge their changes back into the main branch. After review and approval, the changes are merged and can be deployed to specific environments using environment branches.

#2 — Choosing the Right Git Workflow

The choice of Git workflow depends on your team’s needs and preferences, as well as the characteristics of your project. Here are some general guidelines to help you choose the most suitable workflow:

  • GitFlow: A good option if you have a project with scheduled releases and a more formal development process. GitFlow provides a clear structure for managing branches and is especially useful for larger projects with many developers and multiple versions in development simultaneously.
  • GitHub Flow: Ideal for projects with continuous deployment and that require agility in development. If you have a smaller team and want to simplify the development process, GitHub Flow might be the right choice. It is easier to learn and use, especially for developers less experienced in Git.
  • GitLab Flow: Choose this workflow if you want a more flexible and adaptable approach

Discuss with your team and evaluate the project at hand to decide which workflow is the most suitable. It might be helpful to experiment with different workflows and adapt them as needed to find the best solution for your team and project. Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all answer, and the choice of the right workflow depends on the specific circumstances of your project.


Selecting the right Git workflow for your project is crucial for efficient collaboration and maintaining a clean, manageable repository history. By understanding the differences between GitFlow, GitHub Flow, and GitLab Flow, you can make an informed decision and choose the best workflow for your team and project needs. Keep in mind that workflows can be customized and adjusted over time to better suit the evolving requirements of your project.



Wagner Silva

Software engineer at TOTVS with 15+ years of experience. Passionate about programming, best practices, and emerging tech.