Optimizing ,Clean & Test Code(GSOC Coding Period — V)



Hola everyone in the previous already the repeat in this week we clean and optimize the code and Test the code, below are the following observation could be observed for the following

The parser breaks if don’t consider the case for the notion that are unknown to it , basically in the testing i tested with the abc notion which have special notion , Following are the observation are made

Test Conclusion

  • Hammers Pull and sliding offs grace notes (breaking the conversion)
  • Alternate Endings (not failing but not showing correctly) and ds al coda
  • Bass voicing (failing i thought we could ignore this )
  • Accidentals (will fix this won’t take much time)

Task for next week work on accidental fix and work with LLM to generate abc code



Abhijeet Singh

Software Dev @Vizuara | ex-5irechain( India's fastest unicorn) |