Holistic way to combat hair loss

Vcare Trichology Chennai
2 min readJan 12, 2016


Hair loss is a common problem that most of the people are suffering from these days owing to the unhealthy lifestyle and erratic eating habits. It has become mandatory to treat these problems with a holistic approach. Holistic approach refers to the overall health.We are not stating that if you have good health, you won’t have to face hair loss problems but certainly if you are not healthy, then you would not be able to retrieve your hair despite of several hair loss treatments.

Holistic approach helps in achieving you maximum results when it comes to combating with hair loss. From natural process to plant based food to technical hair treatments;including everything in your hair regime provide numerous benefits regarding hair growth. Scientific research has shown that eating broccoli and drinking green tea have the properties beneficial in treating hair loss. However, consuming broccoli only or sipping green tea for that matter are not going to be of much help. In spite, if you include both the remedies in your treatment, you will attain optimum results. So, following are some of the things you can do to curb your predicament regarding hair loss in a holistic way as suggested by experts from VCareTrichology.

  • Do daily cardio for minimum of 20–30 minutes as it helps modulate androgen in your body.
  • Ensure that you take quality and quantity sleep fulfilling your bodily needs.
  • Have green tea as it is very effective in treating hair loss.
  • Taking a well-balanced diet is a must which involves all necessary nutrients from vitamins and minerals to proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Always keep a positive outlook towards life.
  • Add plenty of green and leafy vegetables like broccoli in your meal.
  • Try not to be stressed as you must have heard that worry is like a pyre.
  • Maintain a healthy social life.

V-care Trichology is a prominent hairclinic which acquires holistic approach while treating hair of both men and women. The qualified doctors and beauty therapist stake every aspect in consideration before treating the patient.



Vcare Trichology Chennai

VCare is a multi specialty trichology hair clinic providing treatments to all types of hair loss, hair fall, baldness, grey hair, dandruff & other hair problems