FOSDEM 2019: Go room recap

Victor Coisne
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2019

Last week, most of the source{d} employees attended FOSDEM, the Free and Open Source Software Developers’ European Meeting.

For the second year in a raw, we were not only attending the conference but also helping to organize the Go and Machine Learning on Code (ML on Code) devrooms as well as a Beer Payback Happy Hour. At source{d], we’re big fans and users of go which is the language most of the components of our platform are written in.

source{d} and Fosdem Gophers by Miguel Molina

This blog post is a recap of the talks that took place in the Go devroom. Knowing that the room capacity was approximately 500 attendees and most of the sessions were standing room only, I think we can all agree that the FOSDEM 2019 Go devroom was a big success. Big shout out to our very own Francesc Campoy and Maartje Eyskens for helping to select an amazing speaker lineup and taking care of the logistics.

a 360 view of the Go room by Vadim Markovtsev

Check out this twitter thread below to see pictures of all the speakers in action!

Below you’ll find a list of all the sessions including the videos and slides:

  • The State of Go: What’s new since Go 1.10 by Francesc Campoy (🎥 / 📈)
  • Building modern desktop apps in Go by Serge Zaitsev (🎥 / 📈)
  • How to write a reverse-proxy with Go in 25 minutes by Julien Salleyron (🎥 / 📈)
  • Git database with bitmap index by Kuba Podgórski (🎥 / 📈)
  • Hands-on debugging with Delve by Derek Parker (🎥 / 📈)
  • Designing Command-Line Tools People Love by Carolyn Van Slyck (🎥 / 📈)
  • Go containers? Go serverless? A cloud-native journey by Michael Hausenblas (🎥 / 📈)
  • gRPC, Protobufs and Go… OH MY! by John Griffith (🎥 / 📈)
  • AI image search with Go & Tensorflow: Integrate the advances of AI in your Go apps by Gildas Chabot (🎥 / 📈)
  • When and How to use CGo Or, Foreign Functions for Fun and Profit by Liz Frost (🎥 / 📈)
  • Building a Hardware MIDI Player: Exploration of Linux’s System Interfaces by Terin Stock (🎥 / 📈)
  • Parallel programming in Go for performance with the Pargo library by Pascal Costanza (🎥 / 📈)
  • The clusterfuck hidden in the Kubernetes code base and the brilliant refactoring techniques developed to fix it by Kris Nova (🎥 / 📈)
  • Embedded with Go: from an AWK prototype to a gokrazy appliance by Anisse Astier (🎥 / 📈)
  • Tuning Go GC Parameters by Bryan Boreham (🎥 / 📈)
  • How Kubernetes used gRPC to encrypt secrets with an external Key Management Service by Rita Zhang (🎥 / 📈)
  • Go Lightning Talks (🎥 / 📈): Go, for Javascript Developers by Rashmi Nagpal, Golang slices gotcha by Tomasz Janiszewski, Tips for Designing Better Go Packages by Jaana B. Dogan, How we halved our hardware costs by (briefly) forking the Go compiler by Richard Artoul, OSX Menubar Apps with Go by John McCabe, TinyGo: Go for Small Places by Ron Evans.

A HUGE thanks to all the speakers, we really appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge with the local community.

If you have a talk related to Go, let us know! Some of our team members are currently organizing the Go meetup groups in San Francisco and Madrid.

Are you a go developer looking for a new challenge? Check out our careers page, we have a lot of job openings!

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Victor Coisne

VP of Marketing at @strapijs. French. Open Source Community builder, Wine lover. Soccer Fan.