TWINS Masternode- starting with easy way

R Kumar
3 min readFeb 22, 2019

In my previous articles I have written about TWINS project and its update so far; I have also written an article where I explained the basic issues faced when starting a masternode.

my previous article links-



WIN.WIN Project:

with the aim of building a decentralized exchange platform and proof-of-stake blockchain network with cross-chain atomic-swaps capabilities team launched their masternode network successfully earlier this year. TWINS cryptocurrency will be the backbone of the project.

The TWINS cryptocurrency will be used to power the exchange platform for buy and sell order listings and to reward the community-supported and decentralized hosting of network nodes.

Starting a TWINS Masternode — Easy

Being a technical noob myself I realized that some time it can be too hard for a layman person to install a master node and specially to diagnose if something is wrong. Here, I will present an easiest method to start a TWINS masternode (that too very cheap).

I will be using the service of a mastenode hosting platform zcore cash for hosting the masternode. The good thing is it is safe and secure and your TWINS do not need to leave your computer. They Just need your collateral id and nothing else.

For better service, safety and security team had an interaction with the team and now it is officially supported by the win win team. Even more, users can pay the nominal fee of $2 /month to host their master nodes in TWINS also.

  • Now click on host your master node and pay with TWINS. You will receive the following screen
  • Now you just need to select any plan from Monthly/3 month/6 Month. You can see the price in TWINS also.
    Select any option and go ahead.
  • On next screen you will find the price in ZCR coin but there will be many many crypto options to pay for the hosting fee, including TWINS. The fee would be upfront, so I would suggest to go for monthly/3 month program because there is not major benefit in the 6 month plan price wise.
  • You can pay in nay crypto, once it arrives it will be automatically converted into ZCR and your fee will be deducted from the ZCR balance.
  • Now in just 4 steps it will create a Masternode for you. You just have to follow the step by step process.
  1. in first step it will ask you to create a new address for your MN in your local wallet
  2. in next step it will ask you to send 1MN TWINS to your previously created MN address and input the txid in the form.
  3. in next step it will ask you to edit your masternode.conf file and give details to what to save in it.
  4. in this step you will start your MN successfully.

If you follow the steps as shown then in hardly 10 mins you will have your TWINS masternode up and running. You need not bother about any linux command or debugging. They are here for you.

Thank you for your interest.

PS- I am not sponsoring the here, you can use any other masternode hosting service but I found them to be cheapest, even cheaper than if you start your own VPS and masternode.

Official project links:

