Zeeshan Mir
6 min readMay 18, 2020


I got a golden opportunity to enroll myself in this unique internship program of Digital Marketing, to learn and earn from Not only you get to learn by putting your hand itself in the process of learning and guidance from mentors, you are also paid back after submission of your assignments after the end of the class. As a part of this process after attending the first class, I got to learn a lot which I am sharing here in this blog.

At first, forget about digital marketing, one should be clear about his Goals in life. Without any goal, one can only keep praying to God for a secure life. The very first step in a person’s life should be setting a goal, like getting into a big company, getting desired job, get a big house, start own company etc. Setting a goals helps you to follow a path in life. Once you set a goal make sure that you set it very high, only then are the chances of achieving the realistic figures, for example you set a goal to earn Rs. 1Lakh per month, you should actually set the figure to Rs. 1 Crore, in short get a realistic figures of your goals and increase it 10 or 100 times and work to attain the same and you may be able to reach your realistic figure.

Once you get your goal set, you start to either make your own path or follow a path to achieve the same. You have to do many things to reach your goals, and Marketing is one of the most important function which is going to drive your success. Now a small definition of marketing“Marketing is the process of understanding the needs and wants of your customers, and satisfy the same with your product and service in exchange of means, which is money in most of the cases and make profit out of the deal”. It is simple, you create value from them, and they will create value for you by coming back to you feeling satisfied of your product and services repeatedly.

Before entering into marketing part, one should make sure that knowledge of economics is very necessary because it helps you to understand better how resources are distributed in a society for production and consumption by people living in it and how the economic agents are going to interact and behave in that process. In short, one gets an idea of how to deal with different agents of society to produce and distribute goods or services to satisfy customer’s needs and wants. Even if one is not from the field of economics, there is no excuse to learn or gain knowledge in this field in the era of free information. One can start from simple google search, news, articles, blogs and several books from academics or famous writers.

With the changing scenario of market, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic, it is expected that the Digital Marketing will become integral to all the organizations and shall be preferred more over the traditional marketing channels. That is one of the reason to enroll in this unique internship program from Digital Deepak. Mass communication skills is going to provide a greater edge to anyone over the competitors as this is going to create trust among the masses or MASSTRUST (the word coined by Deepak) to get your desired number of customers. How to create MASSTRUST over digital medium?

i) Create content for your prospects in the form of blogs, articles, videos, podcasts. Provide them with materials they can relate to their problems, needs and wants.

ii) Communication is the key. One needs to develop writing skills so that you are able to write as the prospects need it. Here are some suggestions to start with to get better in English communication –

o Read at least 30 mins. daily

o Listen to podcast daily (30 mins. Daily)

o Write daily minimum 500 words per day, start blogging.

o Watch English movies or series

o Think in English

Integrated Digital Marketing approach is the best way to work in digital marketing domain. It is just adding up all the marketing processes in a sequence which is shown below –


Content is your main resource in digital marketing, through the same you promote your work and earn through email marketing, social media marketing, you do paid advertising and SEO through the same. Without proper content, you cannot achieve your goal, so you have to know your customers better than your competitors do. One has to work on his content to create trust by engaging them, you can call it a community, which have similar problems, needs and wants. That community needs to be build and preserved through proper feedback and reward. One model or funnel shown was –

CATT = Content — Attention — Trust — Traction

Through your content, you catch the attention of your prospects; build trust among them and finally the traction i.e. do sales with the community.

Now where to start with? From the beginning of setting goal. Set goal around your area of interest or your passion, if possible measure your expertise in the area. Dig deep into your niche, select a micro-niche and specialize in it. Now comes the most important part of knowing your market demand or knowing what is the demand of the product or service related to the area of one’s specialization. The easiest way to start is to use Google Auto Suggest, you may start to find few important websites where you may find more information on the same, going through the reviews in famous platforms like Amazon etc. give you more idea not only about the demand around the area of specialization but also about specific requirement and the way the customers need solution to their problems. And there is no best way to know about one’s market than directly connecting with the customers. Once the market research is complete, one can start with CATT and Pre & Post product / service becomes important.

There may be many competitors in the market, who may be providing similar product and services, and maybe one has just started with something new and there are no competitors. Building a personal brand helps to declutter and create a separate identity, and can help one to create his or her image of one of the best or the best product and service provider in the market and people who need such product and service will exclusively for that person. One has to have his own style, which can connect with the people who follow him or her. “Jo dikhta hai wo bikta hai” is the basic mantra of Personal Branding.


Every comes down to sales at the end. One needs to be string in creating a sales funnel. In the beginning of this article it was told about fixing a bigger aim above logical figure, same works for sales funnel, if you want to achieve 1 lakh sales in a month, your target should be 1 crore on the top of the sales funnel. The sales funnel can be divided accordingly to the different stages of sales process and customer buying stage. One can start by providing free content created for the prospects, and after winning their trust, they can be offered unique solution to their problems in the form of premium products or service.

Once everything gets into place, automation is the need. The entire process should be automated as this saves time and reach to larger customers. Target achievement time gets shortened, and one can focus on other important aspects of business and improvement or on other product and services.

This article is part of assignment of internship program from Digital Deepak. The first class was itself very informative and one can reach to him through the below link.



Zeeshan Mir

Hi i am a marketing and analytics enthusiast, like to explore things.