Introducing Codevember 2019

Valentin Daguenet
2 min readOct 22, 2019


Codevember was first launched 3 years ago. Every year, more people take part in this challenge — last year, over 1200 unique creative sketches were coded!

7th day of the 2018 edition

Codevember is back for the 4th Edition!

What is Codevember?

Codevember is a fun coding challenge where you code a new creative sketch (with the technology of your choice) for each day of November.

Codevember is a great opportunity to improve your coding skills, experiment, and discover new technologies that you might not always have a chance to work with.

At the end of the month you will have a collection of code creations that you can be proud of!

How to participate

To get involved in this challenge, create a small creative sketch of code with the technology you want (be it CSS, WebGL, Canvas, Processing… anything really!) and share it on social media with the hashtag #codevember!

Want to see your work on

If you are using CodePen or Codier, you can title your creation with #codevember and the number of the day (eg: #codevember — 12 — My awesome work). Then the CodevemBot will automatically feature your sketch on the website.

Otherwise, feel free to fill this form to let us know about your creation.

Missing inspiration?

We give you daily hints to inspire you but you can do unrelated creations. And don’t worry if you have missed a day or two, you can join in whenever!

These are the official prompts for Codevember 2019:

Codevember 2019 prompt list

Happy Codevember everyone!

Arthur Rob & Valentin Daguenet

