Reimagining Decentralised Trading with Veax: A Comprehensive Guide

3 min readDec 27, 2023


Veax, leveraging the innovative NEAR Protocol and adhering to NEP-141 standards, stands as a vanguard in decentralised finance (DeFi). This platform has reshaped decentralised trading with its focus on amplifying profits for liquidity providers and reducing fees for traders. Two key features, Concentrated Liquidity and Multiple Fee Levels, underscore Veax’s commitment to innovation. Let’s delve into these and other unique aspects that distinguish Veax as a leading trading platform.

Enhancing DeFi Trading with Concentrated Liquidity

Veax’s Concentrated Liquidity revolutionises the concept of liquidity provision in decentralised finance. In traditional DeFi exchanges, liquidity is often distributed across a wide price spectrum, leading to inefficiencies. Veax’s approach is more targeted, allowing Liquidity Providers (LPs) to allocate their assets within specified price ranges, thereby maximising the effectiveness of their capital.

This system is particularly advantageous for stablecoin pairs, like USDT/USDC, where price stability is typically high. Here, LPs can allocate liquidity in a very narrow range, ensuring that their funds are used efficiently and accruing maximum fees. In contrast, for more volatile pairs, like BTC/USDT, LPs can set a broader yet focused range, effectively managing the higher price volatility and still maximizing returns. This focused approach to liquidity provision elevates the capital efficiency of LPs’ investments and is a significant step forward in decentralised trading.

Innovations in Price Ticks and Single-Sided Positions

Veax introduces a unique feature called ‘price ticks’, which segments the price range into equidistant points on a logarithmic scale. This segmentation enhances the precision and efficiency of liquidity positions, optimising performance and reducing transaction costs. The platform also addresses the challenge of price fluctuations with its handling of Single-Sided Positions. When the market price moves out of an LP’s set range, the position temporarily becomes inactive, halting fee accumulation. However, if the price re-enters the set range, the position reactivates, resuming the collection of fees.

This dynamic adjustment to market conditions ensures that LPs’ liquidity is utilised effectively, even in fluctuating markets.

Optimising Trading with Multiple Fee Levels

The introduction of Multiple Fee Levels by Veax represents a significant shift in DeFi liquidity strategies. This feature allows LPs to select from eight distinct fee levels for their liquidity positions, each corresponding to different risk and return profiles. This selection empowers LPs to tailor their liquidity provision according to their market outlook and risk tolerance. On the trader side, Veax’s system efficiently scans through these fee levels during swaps, starting from the lowest, to secure the most favorable prices for traders.

This approach balances the interests of both LPs and traders: LPs can aim for higher fee returns, while traders benefit from competitive swap prices. The dynamic interaction of these fee levels during swaps exemplifies Veax’s commitment to creating a balanced and efficient trading ecosystem.

Guardians: Fortifying Veax’s Security Framework

Security is a critical concern in the rapidly evolving landscape of decentralised exchanges. Veax has implemented a robust security feature known as ‘Guardians’ to ensure the integrity and stability of its platform. This system involves designated accounts, including an owner account, with the authority to suspend and resume the payable API. This capability is crucial in managing the platform, especially during maintenance or unforeseen issues. Guardians act as a safeguard, providing a layer of protection against potential security breaches or system malfunctions.

By empowering these accounts to take preventative measures during critical situations, Veax enhances its platform’s security, protecting both the platform’s operations and its users’ investments. This commitment to security is a cornerstone of Veax.

Veax is redefining the DeFi landscape with its innovative features and robust security measures. Its focused approach on maximising profits for LPs and optimising conditions for traders positions Veax as a potential game-changer in decentralised trading. With its commitment to security and efficiency, Veax is not just another decentralised exchange; it’s a platform that could become a cornerstone in the future of decentralised finance, offering both profit and security for its users.

About Veax

Veax is a pioneering decentralised exchange (DEX) built on the NEAR Protocol, offering innovative features such as single-sided liquidity, concentrated liquidity, and multiple fee levels to maximise profits for traders. Veax’s mission is to simplify DeFi for its users and bring a new level of convenience to the NEAR ecosystem.

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