DNV Helps Secure Samsung Heavy Industries’ Intelligent Ship Data Applications Using The VeChainThor blockchain.

Vechain Global News Updates
3 min readJan 20, 2023


The following text is sourced from the signing ceremony between DNV and Samsung Heavy Industries. The original announcement can be found here: https://www.dnv.com/news/dnv-awards-first-blockchain-statement-of-fact-to-samsung-heavy-industries-236959

World-leading certification authority DNV recently issued a Result of Compliance (SoF) certificate to Samsung Heavy Industries in December 2022, certifying its new blockchain technology application for the shipbuilding industry. Samsung Heavy Industries adopted VeChain’s blockchain technology to verify data transmission for its ship’s autonomous sailing system (SAS) and electronic logbook (eLogBook).

In recent years, network security has become a hot topic in the shipping and maritime industry. Dependence on information sharing for autonomous and unmanned ships as well as the ongoing digitization of traditional ship and maritime operations has raised requirements for network security ever-higher.

Supported by the one-stop blockchain data service platform, VeChain ToolChain™, Samsung Heavy Industries became the first company in the Korean shipbuilding industry to apply blockchain as a security solution for its autonomous ship network. As the digitization of ship navigation increases, important information exchanges occur more frequently between various stakeholders, including shipyards, shipping companies, manufacturers, and classification societies.

Such activities pose an increased network security risk without proper precautions. Data within the ship’s internal systems or between ships and shore-side facilities can be intercepted or altered, leading to costly and undesirable outcomes. The information transparency and tamper-proof characteristics of blockchain technology ensure absolute data security for maritime information exchange, preventing third-party information forgery or manipulation.

Dr. Dong Yeon Lee, the Director and Vice President of Samsung Heavy Industries’ ship and ocean engineering research institute, said: “Blockchain technology is groundbreaking in terms of data security for autonomous ships. Thank you DNV for recognizing our efforts and for being our partner in this. We will continue to invest in the development of autonomous ships and the application of blockchain technology.”

“We are very pleased that Samsung Heavy Industries has become the first shipyard to receive DNV certification for applying blockchain technology to its continuously developing SAS Automatic Navigation System and our SVESSEL eLogbook digital asset management system. We greatly appreciate DNV’s hard work in this cooperative research,” said Dr. Hyun Joe Kim, Vice President of Samsung Heavy Industries Ship and Offshore Performance Research Center at the award ceremony held at Samsung Heavy Industries Daedeok R&D Center, “This is just the beginning, but we are eager to showcase and validate blockchain technology as it has a real impact on the network security of ships.”

Vidar Dolonen, DNV Korea and Japan Regional Manager, added, “Blockchain technology is a fundamental requirement for the future of ships and a necessary condition for responding to the upcoming maritime regulations. Collaborating with a well-known industry institution has become an important milestone towards more secure digital systems for ships.”

As a leading enterprise-friendly blockchain platform, VeChain Toolchain was designed to provide comprehensive blockchain technology support for enterprise users and empowering partners to expand their business space. VeChain ToolChain will continue to support DNV to develop blockchain solutions and applications that meet market demands, seize growth opportunities and create win-win cooperation.

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