Vectoraic at a Glance

2 min readMay 5, 2018


The automobile industry is booming at an incredible pace and since blockchain is touching the new heights, why not combine the two futuristic concepts to achieve something greater and beneficial for the society? So here we are.

Talking specifically about Vectoraic, it happens to be a blockchain venture which aims to nourish the performance of unmanned vehicles with the help of graphene-based technology. Unmanned driving is gaining momentum and in order to make it more efficient and safe, Vectoraic lays a concrete infrastructure.

How does it make a difference?

Well, ‘by all means’ is the simplest and most straightforward answer. Have you ever noticed or even pondered why road accidents occur?

Let me tell you something. Statistics from the industry surveys have shown that more than 80% of the accidents cannot be avoided even if they take countermeasures because the drivers have wasted enough time in noticing each other. For instance, if Smith is driving towards you from the East and you both fail to notice each other before a safe breaking distance, there is absolutely no way a collision between two cars could be avoided.

Well, that is where Vectoraic comes into play. It collects GPS data from an array of devices including mobile phones, tablets, laptop, and speakers, to provide you with a 360 degrees view. Then this data is compared with your moving direction (also called vector field) to determine whether or not a collision is likely.

In order to facilitate you to an ultimate extent and make the system transparent, you have the liberty to connect it to any mobile device, without considering any hardware, bandwidth or language constraints at all.

The perks

Let us evaluate how Vectoraic beats some of the industry leaders in their specific domains.

Image processing

You all have seen Google Maps in action and that leaves everyone in amazement as to how such stunning and detailed data is collected. Well, brace yourselves because Vectoraic uses an advanced technology including 3D omnidirectional, high-resolution laser detection, depth perception, and smart cruise to create HQ visual data.


Now, this is something really interesting. For the first time ever, Vectoraic has paved way for military grade radars and unmanned cars. It should be noted that Google makes use of radars as well, but our radars are compact and at least 100 times faster than the competitors. It should be noted that this radar is accurate within a 300m radius.




Vectoraic is the first platform in the world based on both autonomous Driving and blockchain technology.