Is 2020 the start of a new life?

Vector Newman
6 min readJan 5, 2020


We are villagers: humans have evolved to live in villages where communities inter-connect, forming trust and support networks.

With the broadcast TV model, the village became global, from architecture to fashion design, trends are making, destroying and rebuilding brands and their relevance within our cultural landscape.

We have entered a crisis and it’s not financial. The financial aspect is just a symptom, the crisis is much deeper and could lead to our self destruction or to a renaissance of abundance, peace and elevation if we manage to understand it accurately.

What is going on?

Lost in an ocean of conformity, the human mind is rebelling, seeking cultural validation within identifiable groups, in quest for identity and purpose. The disappearance of national and local cultures is compensated by the formation of digital subcultures, from the hipster, to the yellow vest, the football team supporter, the vegan or the skateboarding industry: humanity is looking for communities who share the same values, lifestyle and are identified through aesthetics.

Which is why the aesthetics economies such as fashion and interior design are booming, reaching trillions in the past decades.

The future of industrialism is a transfer of wealth and power from the industrial to the creative class, placing the machines and their operators as servants of the cultural producers. This is our inevitable future but the corporate industrialist system is forming an economic bottleneck, making the funding of creativity scarce, in order to dominate the narratives through media and advertising.

Meanwhile, tech giants are here to support them, offering high PPC rates for data-driven targeted CTR-optimised alienation, from banners to sponsored posts that look more and more like normal people posting content.

Tech giants and industrialists see a world where your lack of interest for their outdated marketing practices is compensated by increasing dystopian levels of knowledge of your personal life, collecting data each and every minute of your life, and barring real innovators from accessing resources.

On the one hand, as a creator, inventor, you have to accept the authority of outdated institutions who hold the funds away from you, on the other hand, your data is being harvested to optimise the impact of their advertisement on your brain, for maximum profit.

Meanwhile, the scholar system keeps educating the next generations in classrooms set up like factory lines, forcing them to learn programs and methods that will be made obsolete by artificial intelligence and automation.

What can we do?

It is urgent to redesign our life, from a repetitive, industrial and academic, to an innovative, creative and iterative system that empowers creators.

In this new life, humans will produce grassroots cultures and iterate through a peer-curation process, leveraging AI as a catalyst for consensus-driven creativity.

This creativity and data will be kept behind decentralised paywalls, where brands and manufacturers will buy inputs helping them design products that match the collective consciousness of these new decentralised villages, placing the creator where he belongs: at the forefront of human initiatives.

Instead of harvesting and grinding humans to work and consume out of fear, the rise of decentralised blockchain ecosystems will connect people which will produce villages where democratic trust will become the new currency.

Practical examples?

In 2017 we started a project called NEWLIFE.AI. It’s a social network where artists and designers can trade content and insights in order to form an infinite collective of cross-disciplinary creators, using the Internet as a cultural research laboratory, uploading and rating content assisted with an AI.

What are the ultimate goals of NEWLIFE.AI and the benefits for its members:

Problem 1:

each year, online advertising generates $200B in revenue of user data, while none of it is redistributed, it is exploitative.

Solution 1:

NEWLIFE.AI will redistribute most of the value produced through the data, and keep a decent percentage of the revenue to fund its operations.

Problem 2:

AI and algorithms are designed behind close doors, leaving consumers and users in the dark, powerless and dependent on systems they can’t trust nor rely on.

Solution 2:

NEWLIFE.AI provide users detailed insights on their content performance and how their clout and exposure is calculated. Our algorithm will be governed according to the DAO model, where all stakeholders will be given the possibility to vote for algorithmic decisions openly and transparently.

Problem 3:

brands, institutions and industrialists are withholding currencies in order to control the flow of cultural and technological creativity.

Solution 3:

NEWLIFE.AI will issue its own crypto-currency, allowing users to trade seamlessly with other participants in the ecosystem.

Problem 4:

Social networks are focusing on engagement, demographics and ads. Most AI companies harvest data from social networks and most AI innovation is therefore focusing on advertising.

Solution 4:

NEWLIFE.AI uses the Deep Like in order to collect very specific insights from the users. Instead of a binary like, our Deep Like captures the intensity of users preference for each content, shape, colour, texture, design.

Problem 5:

Too much waste! The fashion industry alone wasted more than $500B per year because designs didn’t match consumer expectations.

Solution 5:

NEWLIFE.AI helping brands connect with cultural producers will align design preference with inventory.

Problem 6:

Cultural innovation is not rewarded. Most successful artists are stealing what non-famous visionary artists produce.

Solution 6:

NEWLIFE.AI is an ecosystem that understands the dynamics of cultural innovation and reward its most valuable participants accordingly.

Problem 7:

The creative and cultural industries are not accessible outside of their dominant cities.

Solution 7:

NEWLIFE.AI is seamless and accessible from anywhere, allowing a wider range of creative minds to take part in the conversation.

Problem 8:

Machines will replace us: Artificial intelligence and automation will replace humans within the coming decades.

Solution 8:

NEWLIFE.AI recognises the value of data and redistribute value to their owners. Placing AI as an amplifier of human capacities.

Our community already counts more than 20,000 members, for a total of 450,000 sessions and more than 6 million records in our dataset. We are feeding an artificial intelligence called Nu’vi, that learns every day a little bit more about design, culture, taste and trends.

We have been featured on VICE, PAPER, DAZED, Campaign and many other lifestyle visionary media outlets and received recognition from the blockchain communities.

How does it work?

From a user perspective, all you have to do is install an app and start curating visual contents by long-pressing your screen based on how much you like it. By doing so, you will accumulate New Power and will be able to earn tokens based on the quality and the quantity of your interactions.

To download the app follow this link get to enter the ecosystem. And before you do that if you agree with the vision smash that clap icon until your finger collapses👆🏽📈

