Walmart Sales Analysis

4 min readApr 1, 2023


In this project, I have created a dashboard to make an analysis for the Walmart store, the tool I have considered using, to create a dashboard is Microsoft’s Power-BI. The reason I have considered using Power-BI is because it is user friendly and we can also use it to organize data, and also it contains several complex charts or graphs through which we can able to gain much insights from the data.

First let’s consider the walmart dataset, it contains of 21 features, each feature contains distinct information about the product and as well as about the customer. Order_id, Order_date, Ship_date, Ship_mode, Product_id, Category, Sub-category, Product name, Quantity, Discount, Profit contains the details about the product and the shipment details, whereas Customer_id, Customer_name, Segment, Country, City, State, Postal Code, Region, tells the information about the user or where the shipment should be delivered. Let’s take a look into the dataset.

Walmart sales Dataset

First a new dashboard has been created, and the dataset is imported in the Power-BI application, then to know about the sales and the profit that the walmart store makes, two charts have been generated for the sales and profit features.

Chart graph for sales and profit features

Now as per the dataset we have various categories of products present in the walmart store, and based on the categories there are also exists sub-categories for each category, so to select these categories of product, and to visualize their profit, I have used Slicers for Category and Sub-Category features.

Slicers for category and sub-category features

Now to visualize the profit made by each unique categories, I have used the Tree map graph, so that I can able to visualize how much profit each category has made for the store, so as per our dataset, for the categories Office Supplies, Technology and Furniture have made a profit of 52.61k, 44.30k, 11.50k respectively.

A Treemap to visualize the profit made by each category

Now, to visualize the overall Sales done by each category and their sub-category, along with the customer who bought it and the location from where the customer has bought and also the most bought product for that particular category, a decomposition graph is used, a complex chart which helps us to analyse more sensible information from the data.

Now we can see that, when I touch the furniture feature of the sales, it shows me the various customers who have bought furniture and once I touch the first customer, I can able to know from where she have bought it, and while extending it we can able to see what are all the furniture products were bought in that particular place.

Decomposition graph to find the product’s profit and the customer who bought it

Next to envision the sales and profit made by walmart each year, I have considered using an Area chart, where we can interact with the graph to get the sales that was made and also the profit that have achieved in that particular year, the area chart looks like as follows.

Area graph generating sales and profit by year

Finally considering the customer, if walmart has announced discount for the customers who have purchased more from their store, then to envision this type of problem, I have made a clustered bar chart, using the count of customer ID by customer name, which looks like as follows

Customer who have made more purchase in walmart

This is how I have used Power BI to create a live dashboard, to analyze and gather various insights from raw data, finally after creating all the charts individually and placing them in a ordered format with change in background color of the dashboard, the dashboard looks like as follow, and to access the dashboard you can visit my GitHub profile.

Walmart Sales Analysis Dashboard

