How are you sitting?

Sitting your way to the top

3 min readNov 4, 2023

Do you remember your childhood? Playing with other kids, best friends, foolish fights, birthdays, presents.. so many memories.

Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

Well throw those memories away now. Because other than some part of early childhood, the rest of it was just sitting. There were occasional sports, but that’s it. This is what we did during our childhood : we went to school and sat down. Came back home and sat down to do homework. Went to music class sat down. Went to extra tuitions, sat down. Sat on the school bus or parent’s bike or car to and from to all these chair jails. That is some crazy next level sitting. That’s the age when we have the most energy, and probably half of it was spent doing this. We sat and the world shoved crap into our heads.

And don’t even get me started on the quality of this activity. The benches in all my schools were just a frickin wooden plank without a back rest! Now you buggers come off and say lumbar support, where were you back in my high school days huh? We sat on those things for 7 or 8 hours everyday. We were young so we didn’t have back ache yet.

But can you think back to how crazy that is? We sat for 7 or 8 hours just focusing on some adult blabbing! For 10 or 12 years! Thinking back, that’s absolutely ludicrous! Think of how patient we were as kids (Now we can’t play a YouTube video without forwarding). After that there was college. The chairs got better. Right? WRONG. It was still a damn wooden bench with a small wooden back rest, but not the full back. It was probably a few inches tall right under our shoulder blades. We have charities for everything, but none fighting for giving school kids some kickass luxurious chairs. Don’t the kids deserve it? You’re making them sit in a place for years against their will, at least give them some great chairs?

Anyway, we had to finish college to start working in an office with good chairs. It is like we “sat” our way up. We had to pay our dues with third class sits before our ass saw the good stuff. Our backs needed to hurt before there could be supported.

This is reason that the only measure of success is how you’re sitting. For example: when you’re sitting in economy on a plane, that’s nothing compared to sitting in first class. When you’re at a concert, are you sitting at the front where you can see the artist’s face? Are your car seats warm in the winter? A great sit is success.

Some general guidelines to evaluate how successful you are:

  • How is your sitting quality? Is the chair luxurious?
  • Does it hug you from behind and give you lumbar support?
  • Are you peaceful while sitting?
  • Do you have a slight smile on your face while sitting?
  • Do you feel content in this seating scenario?

That’s it, then you’re successful. I don’t care if you’re sitting in a hut and don’t have footwear. How are you sitting?

PS: I wrote this whole thing while lying down.




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