Unlocking the Power of Android TTS: A Guide to Using Different Languages and Voices

Vedant Singh
5 min readJun 12, 2023


In today’s fast-paced world, accessibility and inclusivity have become paramount in mobile app development. One powerful feature that aids in creating an inclusive user experience is Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology. TTS allows your app to convert written text into natural-sounding speech, making it accessible to individuals with visual impairments or those who prefer to listen rather than read.

While Android offers built-in TTS capabilities, many developers are unaware of the ability to go beyond the default voice and unlock a world of diverse voices in multiple languages. In this step-by-step guide, we will explore how to integrate Android TTS into your app and leverage different voices and languages to enhance the user experience. So let’s dive in and discover how to harness the power of Android TTS with a range of voices that cater to various preferences and languages.

Here is a guide on how you can use different voices and languages in Android TTS:

  1. Set up your Android project: Create a new Android project in Android Studio or open an existing project where you want to implement TTS.
  2. Initialize TTS engine: In your activity or fragment, initialize the TTS engine by creating an instance of TextToSpeech class. Add the following code snippet to the appropriate part of your code:
private TextToSpeech tts;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Other initialization code...

tts = new TextToSpeech(this, new TextToSpeech.OnInitListener() {
public void onInit(int status) {
if (status == TextToSpeech.SUCCESS) {
// TTS engine is successfully initialized.
} else {
// Failed to initialize TTS engine.

3. Set language and voice: To use different languages and voices, you need to specify the desired language and voice using thee setLanguage() and setVoice() methods. You can obtain a list of available voices by calling the getVoices() method. Add the following code snippet to set the language and voice:

private void setLanguageAndVoice() {
Locale desiredLocale = Locale.US; // Change to the desired language/locale

Set<Voice> voices = tts.getVoices();
List<Voice> voiceList = new ArrayList<>(voices);
Voice selectedVoice = voiceList.get(10); // Change to the desired voice index

4. Convert text to speech: To convert text to speech, call the speak() method of the TextToSpeech instance. Add the following code snippet to convert a given text:

private void convertTextToSpeech(String text) {
if (tts != null) {
tts.speak(text, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null, null);

5. Handle TTS engine shutdown: When you’re done using the TTS engine, you should shut it down to release resources. Add the following code snippet to handle the shutdown:

protected void onDestroy() {
if (tts != null) {

That’s it! You now have an updated implementation of Android TTS with the ability to use different languages and voices. Make sure to modify the desiredLocale and selectedVoice variables to match your desired language and voice preferences.

In addition to using different voices and languages, there are several other alterations and variances you can explore with Android TTS. Here are a few examples of additional functionalities and methods you can use:

  1. Adjusting Speech Rate:
    Method: setSpeechRate(float speechRate)
    Use: This method allows you to control the speed of the speech output. The default value is 1.0, where values greater than 1.0 accelerate the speech, and values less than 1.0 slow it down.
    Example: Let’s say you have a news reading app, and you want to provide an option for users to adjust the speech rate according to their preference. By implementing the setSpeechRate() method, users can increase or decrease the speed of the news being read aloud.
tts.setSpeechRate(1.5f); // Increases the speech rate by 50%

2. Handling Speech Pauses:
Method: synthesizeToFile(CharSequence text, Bundle params, File file, String utteranceId)
Use: This method allows you to synthesize the given text to a file with specified parameters. You can utilize it to add pauses or breaks in the speech output.
Example: Suppose you have an educational app where you want to emphasize specific points or allow users to absorb information more effectively. By using the <silence> tag with the synthesizeToFile() method, you can insert pauses of a certain duration between sentences or paragraphs, providing users with time to process the information.

Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString(TextToSpeech.Engine.KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID, "pauseId");
tts.synthesizeToFile("This is a sample sentence. <silence msec='500'/> This is another sentence.", params, file, "pauseUtterance");

3. Language Detection:
isLanguageAvailable(Locale loc)
Use: This method checks whether a particular language is available for synthesis on the device.
Example: Imagine you are developing a language learning app, and you want to provide audio pronunciations for words in different languages. By using the isLanguageAvailable() method, you can check if the desired language is available for synthesis on the user's device before providing the audio pronunciation feature.

int availability = tts.isLanguageAvailable(Locale.FRANCE);
if (availability == TextToSpeech.LANG_AVAILABLE) {
// Language is available for synthesis.
} else if (availability == TextToSpeech.LANG_COUNTRY_AVAILABLE || availability == TextToSpeech.LANG_COUNTRY_VAR_AVAILABLE) {
// Language with specified country variant is available for synthesis.
} else {
// Language is not available for synthesis.

These additional alterations and variances showcase the flexibility and capabilities of Android TTS beyond selecting different voices and languages.

In this comprehensive guide, we have delved into the powerful world of Android Text-to-Speech (TTS), discovering how to leverage different voices, languages, and additional alterations. By implementing these functionalities, developers can create more inclusive and engaging user experiences in their mobile applications.

We began by exploring the process of initializing the TTS engine and setting the desired language and voice. By utilizing the setLanguage() and setVoice() methods, developers can empower users to choose from a range of voices that match their preferences and languages. Furthermore, we learned how to adjust the speech rate using the setSpeechRate() method, enabling users to personalize the pace at which information is delivered.

We also explored the concept of handling speech pauses by utilizing the synthesizeToFile() method and incorporating the <silence> tag. This allows developers to insert breaks within the speech output, facilitating better comprehension and information absorption.

Additionally, we touched upon language detection using the isLanguageAvailable() method, providing developers with the ability to check if specific languages are supported on a user's device before implementing language-dependent features.

By harnessing the full potential of Android TTS, developers can create inclusive applications that cater to diverse user preferences and languages. From news reading apps with adjustable speech rates to educational apps with well-placed pauses, the possibilities are endless.

As you embark on your TTS journey, remember to consider the user experience, handle errors gracefully, and ensure proper permission checks and error handling. Experiment with different combinations of voices, languages, alterations, and variances to truly unlock the potential of Android TTS in your projects.

Now it’s time to integrate these features into your own applications, fostering a more inclusive and accessible experience for users. Start exploring, experimenting, and transforming the way users interact with your apps using the power of Android TTS.

For more information on Android TTS, head on to https://developer.android.com/reference/android/speech/tts/package-summary

Happy coding!

