Names of Shri Datta and their meanings

3 min readSep 23, 2021


Names of Shri Datta and their meanings

We shall learn about Shri Datta, also known as Shri Gurudev Datta or Datta Guru, in this post.

  1. Shri Datta’s names and their meanings

A. Datta

Datta is a person who has had the nirgun (Nonmaterialised) spiritual experience, which means they have had the realization that their ‘Self’ is Brahman (God in His aspect as the Creator of the cosmos) or Mukta (Liberated) self or soul.

B. Avadhut

The following are some of the origins and meanings of the word Avadhut.

A (अ) — a person who is always experiencing Anand (Bliss)
Va (व) — One who is always in the present moment
Dhu (धू) — One who has emancipated everyone by dispelling their (spiritual) ignorance with spiritual wisdom.
T (त) — By pondering the Absolute Principle, one has abolished all ignorance.

2. ‘Avadhut’ is described as follows in the Avadhutopanishad.

A (अ) — Aksharatva is represented by this syllable. Avadhut is the one who has attained Aksharbrahman’s sakshatkar (Self-realization) (Brahman Principle in the alphabet). The ability to execute a task successfully is referred to as Aksharatva.
Va (व) — This word comes from the Sanskrit word ‘Vareyatva,’ which means ‘the peak of magnificence or Absoluteness.’ .
Dhu (धू) — This refers to someone who has been liberated from all forms of enslavement and is no longer bound by any title or limits.
Ta (त) — This represents the immortal statement ‘’, which means ‘You are that Principle’ (one of the four immortal statements from the Upanishads (a class of philosophical writings attached to the Brahman section of the Vedas; their aim is exposition of the secret meaning of the Vedas (note) and are regarded as the source of Vedant philosophy)).

With a nutshell, the title of Avadhut is bestowed upon a great Saint who is absorbed in self-realization.

3. सर्वान् प्रकृतिविकारान् अवधुनोतीत्यवधूतः

Avadhut is mentioned in the Siddhasiddhantapaddhati (6.1), a Holy scripture by Gorakshanath, as “that which cleanses or destroys Sattva, Raja, and Tama.”

4. Devotees of Deity Datta make the following proclamation:

A devotee is referred to as ‘Avadhut.’ Shri Gurudev Datta is the well-wisher of devotees since He is always involved in the contemplation of devotees.

C. Dattatreya
This word comes from the words Datta and Atreya. The meaning of the word ‘Datta’ has already been discussed. The name ‘Atreya’ refers to Sage Atri’s son.

D. Digambar

Is the principle that keeps an embodied soul company until it attains Final Liberation in the glory of the sky, which is beyond all directions.

E. Shripad

God’s never-ending principle is known as ‘Shri.’ The Datta principle in Shripad is the principle that leads an embodied soul to the principle of God or to the Holy Feet of the ‘Shri’ principle.

F. Vallabh

The Datta principle in the form of Vallabh shields the Universe and hence the embodied souls from circular-shaped negative energies that cause dread psychosis. Ms. Anjali Gadgil (Pujya)




“Sri Dattatreya’s 24 Gurus: Learn and Listen to Dattatreya Gurus with Meditation” visit: