Can chitin replace plastics?

Vedeesh Bhraguwar
5 min readOct 25, 2023


Using synthetic biology to help replace plastics with chitin.

Nowadays, everyone is so hyped up about bringing a solution to plastic pollution, but you might ask, why do I care? Well because it affects everyone, from finding microplastics in an unborn foetus to microplastics in the meat we eat, and for the men, microplastics cause a decrease in testosterone, and if exposed from an early age, it can cause hormonal imbalances, which can lead to some unwanted side effects. It can lead to neurotoxicity, something you REALLY DON’T WANT. What if I were to tell you that we can come up with an alternative for plastic, and we don’t need to look much further than nature itself!

What is chitin?

In a nutshell, it’s the hard thingy you see on a bug. In a more detailed manner, it is a biodegradable polymer found in the exoskeleton of arthropods (creepy crawlies). Polymers is just a fancy term for a long chain of molecules.

Fun fact: the glow you see on the shells of some insects is due to a phenomenon called irradiance. It happens due to the photons (the particles which make light) get scatted by the structure of the shell. Ironically it helps them camouflage better, how? Well, that’s an article for another day.

Is chitin a viable choice?-

YES!! It is a wonderful choice, not only is it biodegradable, but also low on toxicity and it is renewable. However, just like any novel idea, this too has unknown implications, especially with synthetic biology being a new field. We don’t know the implications of large-scale productions of chitin and how it may affect the environment. This is also an expensive procedure so it may take some time to become more efficient, even then the companies might not use it simply because of a profit-oriented mindset.

How can we use synthetic biology to make chitin?

Before we dive into the details of how to do gene editing, you might ask why can’t we just crush up some insects together and use that chitin. Well, first of all, it isn’t economical or ethical, and on top of that, the chitin procured won’t be very pure or even useful for that matter. Anyways let’s see how we can make chitin more efficiently

1. Choose Your Host Organism:

So what is an host organism? It is the entity we shall carry out our experiments on. Imagine you’re selecting your sidekick for this mission. Will it be bacteria, the quick and adaptable heroes, or yeast, known for their reliable teamwork in the world of genetics? This sidekick would need to go under an operation, which would end up mutating it, making it perfect for our mission!!

2. Gene Hunt:

Grab your magnifying glass and dig deep to uncover the treasure — the chitin synthesis genes. These genes, like buried treasures, are usually hidden in the genome of organisms like fungi and arthropods. First we need to get a cell of lets say an ant, then ,We need to use a tool to uncover that treasure, in this case it can be restriction enzymes which can be used to isolate the gene. This would help us get genes with “sticky ends”. To understand this, you need to know that our DNA has 4 base pair, the make component of our DNA. using our enzyme, we cut it in a particular way.

3. Clone Quest:

Prepare your cloning gear for a high-stakes mission. You’ll need to clone the chitin genes, which involves inserting them into a special “treasure chest” called a vector — a DNA molecule. This basically makes copies of the gene.

4. Transformation Magic:

Now, picture your favourite magic trick, because it’s time to transform your host organism. Will you use electroporation, like a lightning bolt, or heat shock, like a phoenix’s rebirth? For the simplicity, we can use the OG method. Use the same restriction enzyme from before on your sidekick’s plasmid (sort of a second brain for bacteria) , this would give corresponding ends to the gene, sort of like a jigsaw puzzle. Like I told before, the enzyme acts as a sciccor, making cuts so that it is complementary to our extracted peice of DNA. This process would most likely won’t be viable for large scale missions, mostly due its low efficiency.

5. Gene Expression Theatre:

Imagine you’re directing a grand performance. Using specialized promoters and regulators, make sure the chitin genes shine like stars on your biological stage.

6. The Fermentation Frenzy:

Your heroes are ready, and it’s time to send them into battle — the bioreactor. Here, your chitin will be produced within the cells, just like secret agents on a top-secret mission. We will artificial create the best possible conditions for the cells to grow and produce the chitin most efficiently.

7. Harvest and extraction expedition: After a job well done, it’s time to collect your treasures. Harvest the cells, extract the chitin, and purify it as if you’re uncovering hidden gems.

8. Superhero customization: Chitin can be versatile. Think of it like a superhero suit; you can customize it using chemical or enzymatic modifications to fit various missions.

9. Quality control quest: Before the grand reveal, you need to ensure your chitin is top-notch. Run tests, ensure purity, and check if it’s up to the challenges ahead.

10. Scaling up saga: if your mission is successful, think about scaling up your operation for mass chitin production. It’s time to prepare for a global adventure!

Conclusion: Congratulations, adventurer! By mastering the art of synthetic biology and chitin production, you’re contributing to the global quest for sustainability. Remember, every small step counts in our epic journey to rid the world of plastic pollution. So, gear up and get ready for your next exciting chitin adventure!



Vedeesh Bhraguwar

I am really interested in synthetic biology, and its application to solve problems, currently, I'm working on creating plankton that can feed on microplastics.