Divine Hymns: Understanding the Power of Shri Krishna Stotra : श्री कृष्ण स्तोत्र Shri Krishna Stotra

Vedic Astrologer Rahul Sharma
6 min readSep 7, 2023


Shri Krishna

Oh my dear soul’s I have a treat for you! This beautiful hymn is dedicated to the one and only Lord Shri Krishna. Just by reciting it regularly, you can receive the most special blessings from the beloved Lord himself!

You see, Lord Krishna is a very kind and loving deity who is always eager to please his devotees. And by reciting this wonderful hymn with pure devotion, you can remove all kinds of hardships from your life and receive the blessings of Lord Shri Krishna and his beloved Radha ji!

This hymn is incredibly powerful and will fill your life with joy and happiness. So if you’re looking to receive the blessings of Lord Shri Krishna

Shri Krishna

श्री कृष्ण स्तोत्र

श्रीगणेशाय नमः ।

इन्द्र उवाच ।

Hymn to Lord Krishna

Hail to Lord Ganesha!

Indra proclaimed,

अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम् ।
गुणातीतं निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम् ॥ १॥

The highest sacred syllable is Brahma, the eternal form of light,
Beyond qualities, formless, self-willed, and infinite. 1

भक्तध्यानाय सेवायै नानारूपधरं वरम् ।
शुक्लरक्तपीतश्यामं युगानुक्रमणेन च ॥ २॥

In various forms and colors, he appears for the devotion and service of his devotees,
In white, red, yellow, and dark hues, and in infinite shapes.

शुक्लतेजःस्वरूपं च सत्ये सत्यस्वरूपिणम् ।
त्रेतायां कुङ्कुमाकारं ज्वलन्तं ब्रह्मतेजसा ॥ ३॥

He is the embodiment of pure radiance and the truth itself,
In the age of Treta, he shone like saffron, blazing with divine splendor.

द्वापरे पीतवर्णं च शोभितं पीतवाससा ।
कृष्णवर्णं कलौ कृष्णं परिपूर्णतमं प्रभुम् ॥ ४॥

In the age of Dwapara, He shone in golden robes
In Kali Yuga, He is the all-encompassing Lord in dark complexion supreme.

नवधाराधरोत्कृष्टश्यामसुन्दरविग्रहम् ।
नन्दैकनन्दनं वन्दे यशोदानन्दनं प्रभुम् ॥ ५॥

Adorned with a new garland, His beautiful black statue stands
I worship Nanda’s one and only delight, the Lord who brings bliss to Yasoda maiya.

गोपिकाचेतनहरं राधाप्राणाधिकं परम् ।
विनोदमुरलीशब्दं कुर्वन्तं कौतुकेन च ॥ ६॥

He steals the hearts of gopis and is the very life of Radha
Playing His flute, he fills the world with wonder.

रूपेणाप्रतिमेनैव रत्नभूषणभूषितम् ।
कन्दर्पकोटिसौन्दर्यं विभ्रतं शान्तमीश्वरम् ॥ ७॥

His form is unrivaled and adorned with precious jewels
His beauty is more captivating than millions of cupids, He is the tranquil master.

क्रीडन्तं राधया सार्धं वृन्दारण्ये च कुत्रचित् ।
कृत्रचिन्निर्जनेऽरण्ये राधावक्षःस्थलस्थितम् ॥ ८॥

Behold, the sport of Radha is being played with great fervor in the lush forests and even in the desolate wilderness.
The heart of Radha is present in the very midst of the majestic and serene landscape.

जलक्रीडां प्रकुर्वन्तं राधया सह कुत्रचित् ।
राधिकाकबरीभारं कुर्वन्तं कुत्रचिद्वने ॥ ९॥

Behold, on the vast expanse of land, there lies a spectacle of water sports, accompanied by the gorgeous Radha.
In a distant corner of the forest, Radhika gracefully carries the weight of her apparel as she indulges in the water games.

कुत्रचिद्राधिकापादे दत्तवन्तमलक्तकम् ।
राधार्चवितताम्बूलं गृह्णन्तं कुत्रचिन्मुदा ॥ १०॥

Behold, a precious offering of fragrant betel leaves, given with great reverence at the feet of the esteemed one.
With immense delight, it is being accepted by someone, who is worthy of the highest admiration and respect.

पश्यन्तं कुत्रचिद्राधां पश्यन्तीं वक्रचक्षुषा ।
दत्तवन्तं च राधायै कृत्वा मालां च कुत्रचित् ॥ ११॥

Behold! With eyes that curve like a bow, I spotted a herd of deer grazing in the distance.
And lo, I presented it to my beloved Radha and adorned her with a garland made of it.

कुत्रचिद्राधया सार्धं गच्छन्तं रासमण्डलम् ।
राधादत्तां गले मालां धृतवन्तं च कुत्रचित् ॥ १२॥

Behold, as I make my way towards the divine realm, adorned with the grace of the celestial beings.
I carry with me the precious garland bestowed upon me by the goddess Radha herself, which I proudly wear around my neck.

सार्धं गोपालिकाभिश्च विहरन्तं च कुत्रचित् ।
राधां गृहीत्वा गच्छन्तं तां विहाय च कुत्रचित् ॥ १३॥

Behold the magnificent sight of Lord Gopala wandering amidst the fields and forests.
He seized the graceful Radha and departed, leaving behind the mundane world without any hesitation or regret.

विप्रपत्नीदत्तमन्नं भुक्तवन्तं च कुत्रचित् ।
भुक्तवन्तं तालफलं बालकैः सह कुत्रचित् ॥ १४॥

Behold the divine offering of food bestowed upon the Brahmin’s wife, enjoyed by someone, somewhere.
The succulent fruit of the palm tree, savored by children along with it.

वस्त्रं गोपालिकानां च हरन्तं कुत्रचिन्मुदा ।
गवां गणं व्याहरन्तं कुत्रचिद्बालकैः सह ॥ १५॥

Behold the garment stolen by the cowherd girls without any hesitation!
See how the young boys herd the cows with great skill and confidence!

कालीयमूर्ध्नि पादाब्जं दत्तवन्तं च कुत्रचित् ।
विनोदमुरलीशब्दं कुर्वन्तं कुत्रचिन्मुदा ॥ १६॥

Upon the black head of Kali, there was bestowed a gift of lotus feet. And with great joy, he played the melody of the flute, filling the air with sweet music.

गायन्तं रम्यसङ्गीतं कुत्रचिद्बालकैः सह ।
स्तुत्वा शक्रः स्तवेन्द्रेण प्रणनाम हरिं भिया ॥ १७॥

Behold, a delightful melody was sung by young boys, accompanied by the divine music. Upon hearing this, Lord Indra, king of gods, praised and bowed down to Lord Hari with utmost devotion and reverence.

पुरा दत्तेन गुरुणा रणे वृत्रासुरेण च ।
कृष्णेन दत्तं कृपया ब्रह्मणे च तपस्यते ॥ १८॥

Once upon a time, during a fierce battle with the demon Vritrasura, Lord Datta, with his benevolence, granted a boon to Lord Brahma. Krishna, with his infinite mercy, also granted a boon to Lord Brahma and both of them performed penance.

एकादशाक्षरो मन्त्रः कवचं सर्वलक्षणम् ।
दत्तमेतत्कुमाराय पुष्करे ब्रह्मणा पुरा ॥ १९॥

Behold the sacred mantra of eleven syllables, the all-encompassing armor. It was bestowed upon the great Kumar by Lord Brahma himself, in the holy land of Pushkar.

तेन चाङ्गिरसे दत्तं गुरवेऽङ्गिरसा मुने ।
इदमिन्द्रकृतं स्तोत्रं नित्यं भक्त्या च यः पठेत् ॥ २०॥

Oh great and powerful teacher Angiras, may your blessings be upon us. This sacred hymn, bestowed upon you by the mighty Indra, shall be recited with devotion and reverence every day.

इह प्राप्य दृढां भक्तिमन्ते दास्यं लभेद्ध्रुवम् ।
जन्ममृत्युजराव्याधिशोकेभ्यो मुच्यते नरः ॥ २१॥

Having attained firm devotion, one shall certainly obtain the position of a devoted servant. Such a person is liberated from the cycle of birth, death, old age, disease, and grief.

न हि पश्यति स्वप्नेऽपि यमदूतं यमालयम् ॥ २२॥
॥ इति श्रीब्रह्मवैवर्ते इन्द्रकृतं श्रीकृष्णस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् ॥

Behold, not even in dreams can one see the messengers of Yama or his abode. This concludes the divine hymn of Lord Krishna composed by Lord Indra in the Brahmanda Purana.22

Shri Radhe Krishna

Let us delve into the divine world of Lord Shri Krishna with this sacred hymn, where blessings and miracles await those who recite it with pure devotion. As we all know, Lord Krishna’s compassion and love towards his devotees are boundless.

This hymn serves as a pathway to connect with the Lord and seek his blessings. The divine energy that emanates from this hymn has the power to uplift our spirits and help us overcome life’s obstacles.

The blessings of Lord Shri Krishna and his beloved Radha Ji are abundant, and by chanting this hymn regularly, we can tap into the infinite grace and blessings that they bestow.

Let your heart be filled with joy and contentment as you immerse yourself in the divine vibrations.

Wishing you all a very joyous Janamashtami! May the blessings of Lord Krishna shower upon us with all the love and abundance. May he bless us with all the manifestations of happiness and prosperity.



Vedic Astrologer Rahul Sharma

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