My Honest Review About Scaler Academy

Ved Sinha
4 min readMay 19, 2020


I frequently hear questions about Scaler Academy on the internet and we can classify those questions to 3 categories.

  1. Is Scaler Academy Worth It ?
  2. Is Scaler Academy Good ?
  3. Is Scaler Academy free ?

Out of curiosity, I scrapped the web and i got these.

Let me help you now !!

Originally Published On Quora First -:

I am a Scaler Academy student and a tier-3 grad, so i think i can answer these questions.

After i was selected in Scaler, Instead of being happy, I was way more confused. I could just see if I got a job of 10 lpa then i will have to give around 3 lpa and all that stuff, which i know most of you would be thinking.

Another problem was -: One of my senior told me that a course like this will test me through the extent of my willpower. Before this statement, i was thinking its a DSA course and i know those stuff so it will be easy peasy.

Then after taking final advise from one of my close friends i joined Scaler. The advise he gave me was — either you join it or ask them to give it to me.

Now i have heard people saying — the entrance test is so hard, they are taking already skilled people, what will they teach to them. Ok so enough of questions, Here are solutions -:

  • No matter how skilled you are, the course curriculum is designed in such a way that — it will not be easy and there will be way more things to learn then you already know.
  • People teaching you are either world class competitive programmer or have cracked interviews in companies which take world class hard interviews.
  • They teach from very basics. For almost every topic, we have 2 classes, one is basics and other is advanced. For example : we were even taught how to build stacks from array and linked lists.
  • To grasp fully what these high end tutors are teaching, you need to have some algorithmic implementation skills and that’s why entrance tests are designed in such a way.
  • The doubt support time is mentioned as 30 minutes but it is wrong, i must say. It’s lesser then that. Anytime i feel a doubt, i just message in my community of batch mates or even to the teacher who taught me that concept and they clarify instantly.
  • There are more than 6 classes on DP. 1-D DP, 2-D DP, 3D-DP, Multidimensional DP, DP on trees.
  • There are 4 classes on Graphs. And each of these classes are 2.5 hour-3 hour long. Now even if you have decided not to learn anything, you will.
  • Talking of assignments and homework, they are 8–10 questions on average after every class. You will see your batchmates solving and getting high rank and discussing in the community, eventually you will solve too.
  • Now all these was just 30%.
  • Now comes core subject knowledge -: DBMS, CN, OS. More than 6 classes are taken by subject experts to just teach these subjects from basics.
  • Now come LLD -: Low level design and HLD -: High level design and collectively called System Design. Around 1 moth of classes on these.
  • Now if you don’t have good projects on your resume -: There comes a vast and vast Full stack development and backend development track.
  • Taught from basics and few apps of app store will be live coded after track completion.
  • After our Hackathon, You will have good quantity and quality of projects ready.
  • Now it’s end of 6 months, the course is ended, now what ?
  • At this point of time you will be having multiple referrals and you will be busy brushing up your DSA again for your upcoming interviews.
  • Now Refresher classes come in to play. All of the topics will be visited once again and new questions will be done once again.
  • And these will just continue..

Mentor sessions are something on which i will not write here, because i guess all of tier-3 grads already know the effect of absence of any peer group or mentor. So you know how much importance it will bring. Even if you want to know it, comment down below. I will write about it, it’s again will be a big post like this.

You will have a Student Success Manager, who will be guiding you through every step of your journey. In my case, My SSM even got to the extent that , I was not solving problems in the mid of the course so she contacted me and asked me to make a google doc and share with her and update daily on that doc the questions i do.

I think this, None of the organisation in the whole world does and maybe can never do.

You succeed in a job interview -: they will call and congrats and talk about next opportunities.

You failed in one -: they will call and will say it’s normal and will discuss on areas of improvement you can have.

So while going through all this, all of my questions diminished. Now it all have converged to a point that — just do questions, they will take care of everything else.

And that’s a great relief. The kind of support they give, money falls way much behind these. You could get in amazon and just with bonus you could give Scaler’s fee.

