Image by V Cariba — Role Play in Action

Why Role Play Is Good For Business & Teams — Day 24 of 365 Leadership Blogging

D&V Cariba
3 min readMar 4, 2019


Role play what is it?

We’ve all done it when we were kids. I wanted to be an astronaut and go into space and Vanessa wanted to be Wonder Woman and save the world. Out of our giant imaginations came creativity, storytelling and best of all, role-playing.

Team building is essential and one surefire way to fire up your team’s creative thinking is role play. There are many ways to deliver this but the most common is to have two teams each with an objective to achieve, going head to head to work through a challenging scenario.

Help individuals to perform better

The real benefit of role play is for the individual. With a fresh perspective of their capabilities, increased confidence and raised awareness of other people, they will perform better in their roles and responsibilities. If done right, role play could turn your team into heroes.

The benefits to teams

Builds confidence
Having your team role play allows you to expose them to a number of situations to see how they handle and perform. Due to the safe environment created by role play, this helps teams learn and build confidence in facing scenarios for the first time. This leads to the team feeling better prepared in their day to day roles…



D&V Cariba

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