Big data Engineer Jobs, Salaries in 2020

3 min readDec 30, 2019


Demand for Big Data Engineer

  • In this era of data, each and every organization is acquiring data from all possible sources, analyzing it, & making data-driven decisions.
  • The data pipelines or ETL (Extract Transform load) pipelines and data warehouses are the foundations of the organization.
  • This provides the infrastructure to all decision-making processes running inside the organization.
  • The Data Engineers are the one who designs, create, maintains & optimizes the complete processing system
  • With the increasing data sources & accelerating data growth, various challenges have emerged in storing, processing & handling data.
  • Major challenges are huge volume of data, velocity at which data is getting generated, inconsistency in data & various formats in which data is present. This is called bigdata,
  • learn on expert level of big data through big data online course

About big data technology by Forbes

  • According to an Accenture study, 79% of enterprise executives agree that companies that do not embrace Big Data will lose their competitive position and could face extinction. Even more, 83%, have pursued Big Data projects to seize a competitive edge.
  • Worldwide Big Data market revenues for software and services are projected to increase from $42B in 2018 to $103B in 2027, attaining a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 10.48% according to Wikibon

Jobs for big data engineers

  • Jobs in india

Data engineer — 13,306 Jobs

Big data engineer — 3030 Jobs

  • Jobs in United states

Data engineer — 1,27,607 jobs

Big data Engineer — 20,153 jobs know on big data analytics

Big Data Engineer Salary

  • Salary range for the data engineers for Junior/ Generalist is $70,000- $115,000
  • For the Big data Engineers the salary ranges are from $100,000 — $165,000
  • Foundationally, big data is enabled by technology. In order for a company to reach the point where big data can solve problems and drive business value, expert engineers are essential in order to architect the data platforms and applications on which all analytical capabilities can function
  • The systems that these engineers work with are highly sophisticated. Core technical concepts often include: distributed computing and the Hadoop software ecosystem, NoSQL database architecture, data warehousing ETL, etc.
  • Working within these constructs demands seasoned programming ability as well as deep knowledge around information architecture. With the nuanced, rarefied technical skills required to be strong developers in this space, big data engineers are well-compensated for what they bring to the table.
  • Along with that big data certification enables to master your skills on big data technology

Agustin Mario Gimenez Benito Castro Pradyumna Kulkarni




I am technical writer and provides various blogs on various technologies from scracth