Microsoft business intelligence tools in 2020

2 min readDec 19, 2019


Microsoft business intelligence tools in 2020

Microsoft BI Development Tools Microsoft offers two general tools for developing and customizing its products’ BI capabilities. master your skills on Microsoft Business Intelligence through msbi online training

Visual studio

  • Visual Studio gives the hard core technical person or super power user a way to enhance BI processes and shape them to the needs of a specific business.
  • SQL Server includes a free version of Visual Studio that’s designed especially for Microsoft BI: Business Intelligence Developer Studio (BIDS).

Report Builder

  • Report Builder is designed for end users and business analysts; it provides the advantage of uniform reports that work well with Microsoft BI capabilities, regardless of organizational department.
  • In addition to Visual Studio and Report Builder, Microsoft has a couple of programming languages that are used in BI development.


  • You may spend much of your time in a Web browser working with various applications. In fact, if you work with SharePoint, then you probably access it through your Microsoft Internet Explorer Web browser.
  • Whenever you open Internet Explorer and work with an application, you are actually using your desktop computer and Internet Explorer as a client to a program that runs on a server.
  • The server computer may be sitting in your company data center or out on the Internet somewhere, depending on the Web application.
  • Each interaction, whether it’s clicking a link or selecting a drop-down menu, sends a communication back to the server.
  • Silverlight, a browser add-on, attempts to reduce much of that back-and-forth communication between client and server by allowing the local computer to run the program without constantly talking to the server computer.
  • Silverlight gives your Web browser added functionality that makes browsing a Web site a much richer experience.

Microsoft .NET

  • When Web aficionados hear the term “.NET, their first thought is almost always “domain name” extensions tacked on to the names of Web sites to identify Internet domains .com, .net, or some other domain such as .org.
  • The guess is understandable but wrong. Microsoft .NET is actually a software-development tool; it has nothing to do with the domain names you type into your Web browser.
  • In a nutshell, Microsoft .NET provides a framework within which software developers can create and customize programs to work well with Microsoft products using various programming languages. It’s handy for developing the BI capabilities of those products.

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Yves Mulkers Sohrab Osati John Battelle




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