SpringBoot Interview Questions

Dear Readers, Please find the list of commonly asked springboot questions.I have come across these questions most of the times while giving numerous interviews.

2 min readNov 9, 2023
SpringBoot Interview Questions
SpringBoot Interview Questions

This article will help to glance before going to the interviews.

  1. Difference between Spring and SpringBoot?
  2. Difference between REST and SpringBoot?
  3. What is Spring Initializer?
  4. Explain how do you develop Springboot application?
  5. Explain few spring Annotations?
  6. What are the tools used to monitor springboot application?
  7. How to deploy springboot application?
  8. What is WebClient?
  9. How is Exception Handling done in SpringBoot Application?
  10. what is @ SpringBootApplication?
  11. @ SpringBootApplication vs @ EnableAutoConfiguration?
  12. @ RestController vs @ Controller
  13. @ RequestMapping vs @ RestController
  14. @ component vs @ service
  15. @ Component vs @ Repository
  16. When is @ qualifier used?
  17. What is @ valid annotation?
  18. @ PathParam vs @ QueryParam
  19. How is profiling done in SpringBoot?
  20. What is @ Autowired annotation?
  21. What is @ Bean? When to use it?
  22. Requestmapping vs GetMapping?
  23. What dependencies by default gets added when you create a springboot application?
  24. Where to change the default port no of embedded tomcat server?
  25. What are Starter dependencies?Explain few and why do we need them?
  26. What’s the use of Spring Actuator?
  27. Which version of SpringBoot are you using?
  28. What is Reactive Programming in SpringBoot3?
  29. What are the different ways in which a Datasource can be created?
  30. JPA vs Hibernate?
  31. How is Hibernate a default implementation of JPA without any configuration?
  32. How to configure different database apart from H2?
  33. Can we create non web application in springboot application?
  34. What is spring Data ?

Apart from these, I have been asked to write sample code of Employee SpringBoot Application performing the CRUD operations. Here the interviewer will mostly try to evaluate as to how well can you write the Controller, Business logic(Service Layer), Repository , exception handling and adding dependency. They mainly try to evaluate how well the candidate has understood various annotations to be used.

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