Why Are Non-White Actors Always The Side-Characters?

An overview of Hollywood’s diversity problem.

Veena Vijayakumar
2 min readJun 5, 2022
Three girls are shown in the picture.
Photo by Anna Shvets: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-women-holding-each-other-s-hands-4672553/

There is a huge bias seen when it comes to casting actors, especially in lead roles. It’s like a trend, in most shows, the main white character is often supported by a non-white actor. They are only being considered for the supporting roles and are frequently playing the same type of role each time. They are always the hero’s best friend or someone related. Non-white actors are not getting the proper screen time they deserve. These actors can do much more than supporting roles but often aren’t given the opportunity.

There are non-white actors, who play the lead in movies/shows but are lesser compared to white actors. There are shows like Black-ish and Abbott Elementary in which the majority of the cast are non-white actors which portrays a strong message to the audiences.

We know that Hollywood has a diversity problem and some progress has been made lately but a major change is yet to happen. The pattern of seeing the perfect masculine hero who saves the day is totally unrealistic and should be eliminated. They are trying to sell the wrong idea to the viewers in which appearances are considered beyond everything. There is so much to fix in this industry where looks are dominated and talent is overlooked frequently.

