Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi

Systems thinking

147 stories

The organisation as a System is made by a number of subsystems that compose a complex system of relationships and interdependencies.
Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi


8 stories

Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi


116 stories

A woman thinking about Technology and Ethics
Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi


24 stories

Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi


20 stories

Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi


7 stories

A group of people listening eagerly to the logic explanations of their colleague
A desk with 2 plastic containers one on top of the other. A laptop on top of the containers to emulate a higher desk.
Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi


12 stories

Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi


1 story

Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi


8 stories

A stepped model which shows five key stages theory, hypothesis, experiment, observation, conclusion. Each subsequent step has an arrow back to previous steps, implying that as well as forward motion through the stages, designers can and should check back to previous assumptions and decisions and they develop more understanding of the situation and the effectiveness of their response.
Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi


8 stories

Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi


5 stories

Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi


1 story

Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi


12 stories

Consultants laughing after a great business storytelling presentation
Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi


12 stories

A photograph of Earth taken from the International Space Station. It shows a vast expanse of blue sea and cloud cover.
Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi


3 stories

Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi


29 stories

an image of three blog post authors, the middle photo is of a dog
A graph showing 4 different types of designers: the bitter and burnout designer, the demotivated, the challenged one and the Designer’s Nirvana. They are positioned in relationship of the influence of design in the organisation over time.
Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi


10 stories

Illustration of a compass in a topographical map depicting the complexity of navigating rugged terrain as an analogy for generative AI user experiences
Chart displaying 3 capabilites: ai strategy, interaction design, model design
Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi

User research

78 stories

An illustration depicting a diverse group of people engaged in conversation around a table, with notes and digital devices, seen through a large magnifying glass that emphasizes the dialogue with glowing lines, symbolizing the deep insights gained from qualitative research.
A graphic of the word ‘findings’ with a connecting arrow to ‘themes’ and another connecting arrow to ‘insights’ from left to right
Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi


1 story

Vee Verdi

Vee Verdi


3 stories