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#29. Part 1-Creating Beauty and Healing in a World of Chaos

3 min readMay 10, 2024


There’s different ways to create beauty. For others. For yourself. For the world. Dancing. Photography. Design. Arts. Writing. Singing. Those happen to be mine.

And I believe these are all pathways that bring you closer to your soul.

So let’s make sure we all do “create” beauty. Even within our journey of healing from something dark. We can still be a source of light. And, we ought to “seek” out beauty. For our own sanity, health, and well-being. To offset the ugliness, the craziness, the current wars in Ukraine, Gaza, the economic turmoil we’ll be facing soon, all the change of the near future, and the uncertainty going on out there right now, in addition to our personal journey.

The world currently seems like a big toxic relationship. Gaslighting. Cover ups. Deceit. Future faking. Cheating. Lies. Betrayal. Mind games. Manipulation. Destruction. Fighting each other. Globally and regionally. You don’t know what to believe. Or whom. Doubt creeps in. It’s easy to get sucked into the external pain, and darkness, and the injustice of it all. So what do we do?

We choose. Carefully. Where to place our attention and energy to.

Just like in a deceiving relationship, you hold on to your inner knowing. You trust your inner reality. You listen to your inner compass. You nurture your heart and mind, and strengthen your soul. Not regardless of the turmoil, but because of it.

Tend your own little garden amidst the storm so as to keep steady and on course.

When I started this blog, after I got out of this toxic, antagonistic relationship, I didn’t want to create painful, ugly blog posts and photos. What I experienced was already so dark to the human soul. I needed to heal. Not perpetuate the darkness. Just because it happened didn’t mean I needed to post more ugliness. At times when you search for resources, some of the so called educational posts about dark triad personalities, narcissism, and abusive relationships would make me feel worse with their sensationalism, and tone of voice on how they went about explaining these personalities. I didn’t want to do that. Thus, I chose photos of flowers every time I wrote a blog. The purpose was to process. To heal. To move on. And recreate beauty, joy, love, and happiness.

A little note on empathy and compassion and the current times we are living in. Both are super powers and achilles heel at once. We gotta learn how to use them. If unaware, even gifts become self-sabotaging. To identify with the pain of others is not healing. Not to you. Not to them. If anything, it might be a denial of dealing with one’s own pain and trauma. An unconscious deflection. A refusal to step into your own nature. Your power. To bring healing, we gotta focus on our own first. Self-awareness. Self-care. Stand strong.

Once rooted, the contribution to help others can begin.

To heal, to bring beauty, and support to those we feel for.

Just like darkness, healing is contagious. So, create a little joy today. Radiate a little beauty. Straight from the heart and soul. Together, we can elevate each other from there. Holding space for hope and change for those who lost it. Let’s stay bright, like a shining star, and “embody” what we stand for. Not “act out” what we are against.

So. How will you create a little beauty today?

Keep going, no matter what! You are doing great. You can do it!

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Love Gone Wrong: Entangling the confusion and complexities from romantic narcissistic abuse.