📌[Read This] BEFORE Transitioning Your Family to a Plant-Based Diet

Vegan Boss Lady
4 min readApr 1, 2019


What To Do With Picky Eaters?

If you’re reading this email, you’ve probably been thinking about making the big switch to a vegan diet, yet haven’t committed 100%. As more information about these diets becomes available, more people are turning to these diets as a way to protect their health because they’ve probably heard about the many benefits that are connected to eating this way.

It isn’t always easy (especially with picky eaters), but the pros outweigh the cons by a wide margin. How can you get started on a vegan diet, and is it expensive? If you continue reading, you will find a few tips for switching to a plant based diet for you and your family.

This email is in direct response to your questions from my survey where you asked for help with transitioning to a plant-based diet with picky eaters. (Read to the end and I’ll show you how to submit YOUR questions.)


Start with Adding Things to Your Diet

This step might be one of the most important. This is because a lot of time people tend to think of becoming vegan as not eating certain things, when it’s often all about expanding the scope of what you consider to be a good meal.

When you have spent your life eating meals based around meat as the main course, everything vegan will seem like it’s missing something, when in reality, it has so much of what you really need without many of the drawbacks. There are so many different types of foods. Try something vegan from another culture even.

If you start introducing new plant-based meals mixed in with the old familiar meals, then slowly start eliminating the old familiar meals as you keep introducing new exciting vegan options the transition can become quite seamless.

A lot of times children gravitate towards familiar foods. So the trick is to keep offering the plant-based meals. In time, those plant based meals will become familiar and they will no longer turn their nose up at them.


Start Out as Vegetarian

The diet of a vegetarian isn’t as restrictive as the vegan diet. Starting out this way will help you to make a smooth transition that will provide the right climate for your eventual success. It’ll also give you good practice at avoiding meat products, but you can still have things like cheese and other familiar favorites.

If your children love meat-filled ravioli, try just the cheese-filled ravioli to start, and be sure to include other tasty items with the meal that your children love. Maybe some fresh strawberries or applesauce, olives, or veggies that they love. Getting them used to “not eating meat” is a huge first step.

I try to combine familiar foods with new foods so the children don’t go completely berserk on me. I love introducing new things when I am able to purchase some fresh seasonal fruit that we don’t usually have, but they love. Like raspberries! Then I can introduce something new and tell them if they try it they can have some raspberries after. I always make sure to offer the loved and familiar item AFTER they try the new item. Otherwise they will only eat the familiar item.

Once you have become comfortable making that kind of adjustment, you can try moving more towards strict veganism. Be patient with yourself and your children, and you will reach your goal.


Learn From People Who Are Vegan

This one should be obvious, but it’s a great idea to mention it. Always learn from people with experience. They might tell you something that you never knew about plants as a food source.

With the advent of social networking, it’s easier than ever to find groups that you can join online to exchange ideas, and recipes. A strong community will help keep you motivated and provide support when you feel like you are having a hard time. You are also likely to find people who can further influence and expand your tastes in food.

You can always join my Facebook Support Group when you sign up for my 7-Day Raw Vegan Secrets Challenge. That is a great way to surround yourself with like-minded women and get daily inspiration. You can sign up HERE.

I hope these tips help you on your journey!

Much love,

Jocelyn “The Green Giant” Morris 😆

P.S. To submit your ONE question that you absolutely need to know when it comes to a plant-based healthy lifestyle…CLICK HERE!



Vegan Boss Lady

Mother to 8 👦👧👦👦👦👦👶👶 Wife to 1 💑 Sharing my passion for health, fitness, and vegan food! FREE @ https://linktr.ee/veganbosslady (YouTube, FB, & Instagr