🌱Why I Switched From A High-Protein Low Carb Diet to a Plant-Based Diet

Vegan Boss Lady
3 min readMar 11, 2019


“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” ― Hippocrates

Plant-Based Diet For The Win!

Do you ever get bogged down in the details? Like a serious case of “analysis-paralysis” where you don’t take action because you feel like you don’t know where to begin?

I know when I was first considering switching my diet from an Atkins-Style diet to a Plant-Based diet I had so many questions and fears! Let me give you some quick facts that may help you so you can start taking the action needed to achieve the results you are looking for…

There are a number of key reasons why a plant-based diet is best for your health, and for the world. Plant-based diets are those which rely almost exclusively on plants for all their nutrients, with few or no animal products (vegetarian) or products from animals (vegan).

There are many variations of plant-based diet, from Mediterranean and Okinawan to raw vegan, but the one thing they all have in common is that they have health implications and could be the best way to fight disease and ward off the wear and tear of aging.

High in nutrition

Plants are packed full of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, that is, special compounds that offer a range of disease-fighting properties.

Low in calories

Ounce for ounce, fruits and veggies are lower in calories than meat and poultry.

Low cholesterol

Plant-based products do not contain cholesterol. Only animal products do.

Low in fat

Plants are much lower in fat than animal flesh and animal products. Even olive oil and avocados, 2 very fatty plant products, are not that high in fat. The fat they do contain is considered healthy because it naturally lowers bad LDL cholesterol and increases helpful HDL cholesterol.

High in fiber

Fiber helps you feel full for longer, so a plant-based diet is ideal for losing weight and keeping it off.

High in water

Water is essential for all human bodily systems, including heart health, digestion, and the formation and maintenance of healthy blood. Water also helps you feel full. Compare 12 grapes to 12 raisins and you will see why fresh fruits and vegetables can be an excellent part of any eating plan, especially one designed to help you lose weight.

Prevents and can sometimes reverse chronic disease

A plant-based diet has been associated with preventing a wide range of diseases, including particular forms of cancer, such as breast, colon and prostate.

Studies have shown that those with high cholesterol, heart health issues, diabetes and more can actually often reverse their condition if they start eating more plant-based foods.

Good for animals

Vegetarianism means fewer animals killed for food, and veganism means fewer animals killed or exploited. Modern factory farming methods are amongst the cruelest imaginable. Saying no to meat and animals products means saying no to the barbaric greed of the food industry.

These are just a few of the many reason why a plant-based diet is good for your health and great for animals and the planet as a whole, but worth thinking about when you decide to give up meat.

If you would like help transitioning to a plant-based diet or would just like to learn more, I have many FREE webinars and books available on my website (www.veganbosslady.com) for you to watch, learn from, and use right away!

I also offer a Lifestyle App and Lifestyle Coaching if you are serious about making the switch to a plant-based diet.

As always…much love,

Jocelyn “THE VeganBossLady” Morris



Vegan Boss Lady

Mother to 8 👦👧👦👦👦👦👶👶 Wife to 1 💑 Sharing my passion for health, fitness, and vegan food! FREE @ https://linktr.ee/veganbosslady (YouTube, FB, & Instagr