UPDATE! The Golden Lotto Ticket NFT

A Unique Investment Opportunity Now With Referral Bonuses!

Shawn M.
The DeFi Sewer


Looking for an innovative investment opportunity with the potential for guaranteed payments that can come faster with referral bonuses? Look no further than the Golden Lotto Ticket NFT!

Get you GLT NFTS!!! Take advantage of the referral bonus entries too. Author generated image with catbird.ai.

How Does it work?

The Golden Lotto Ticket NFT project offers up to 1000 NFTs for sale at a price of 200 USDT each. Each NFT purchased is guaranteed to earn back the original 200 USDT in about 8 months and gets a turn to win a payout of 3500 USDT in the first round and 5000 USDT in the second round. Purchase more NFTs, get more 3500 and 5000 USDT payouts!

The Golden Lotto Ticket NFT project provides a unique and community-driven investment model, combining the worlds of cryptocurrency, NFTs, and hedge funds. It's a chance to diversify your investment portfolio while engaging in a lively and exciting experience with like-minded investors.

Here's how it works: once all NFT holders have received their initial investment back, the lottery system kicks off. Every two weeks, randomly selected NFT holders will each receive a prize of 3500 USDT in the first round and 5000 USDT in the second round. As the funds continue to compound, the number of biweekly winners will increase. The goal of the project…



Shawn M.
The DeFi Sewer

I'm a math teacher and found the world of crypto and DeFi. I've been eating a WFPB, vegan diet since 2010. Read about my experiences with crypto + a WFBP life.