1 min readOct 25, 2017


Thanks for that Hannah Arendt nugget. She’s spot on I think. And Virginia Wolff…wow. (would you mind sharing which bit of writing Hannah Arendt’s statement came from?)

An observation by bell hooks seems to belong too, she once noted that African American women are socialized without learning to oppress since (in U.S. society) there’s no institutionalized “other” for them to behave that way toward. (she made that observation in her book, From Margin to Center)

Serious vulnerability, scads of experience with being on the other side of power and no socializing in the ugly dance of oppressing.

All that corresponds well with something I noticed some time ago and that was that African American women seemed to (on average) almost always have the greatest depth and accuracy of insight into social doings. In honor of their perspicacity (and to quit trying to figure things out that my white male socializing made almost impossible), I decided to always cast my vote in any election with whomever or whatever African American women were supporting.

Your writing helped add some more bits of substance to my observation. Thank you.




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