Regarding the Indie Web


Shane Becker
1 min readJun 5, 2016

Who is the Indie Web?

The Indie Web is made of people. It’s made by me. It can be made by you too. There’s no gatekeeper. You can join anytime without anyone’s permission. The Indie Web is made by everyone.

The Indie Web community is a small but growing group of people from several countries. We’re on a few but not not continents. We are hiding in plain sight, or rather we’re not hiding at all. We have jobs in tech and not in tech. We build our own software or install other’s (like Wordpress or Known). We are designers, developers, devops, UX and non-technical folks.

The Indie Web community is not as diverse as it could be and needs to be. Admittedly, the community is overwhelmingly white men. There are some women and some people of color. But we need to do much better at reaching out to people, at being more inclusive and at sustaining a diverse community. Because if the Indie Web is going to succeed, it must represent the rich plurality of people in the world.

We are working hard at making the Indie Web not just for us by us, but for all of us by all of us.

Originally published at on June 5, 2016.

