Amphitheater in Pula–Arena

Velvet real estate
2 min readJun 17, 2022


If you could travel back in time two thousand years while standing in front of the majestic building that dominates the city of Pula–Arena–you would hear screams of battle and clash of metal mixed with a cheer of bloodthirsty spectators.

Luckily, the use of an amphitheater in Pula changed in the fifth century when emperor Honorius prohibited gladiatorial combats and, later, all kinds of bloody events. Nowadays, this monument is used for cultural events such as concerts, operas, ballet, sports events, and the famous Pula Film Festival.

If the stones built in Arena could talk, it would be hard to imagine what stories they would tell. This building has stood silently for two thousand years, resisting rain and wind. Arena, in its glory, successfully opposes the tides of time. Although stones were taken from it occasionally, the whole of the Arena was rebuilt in the 19th century and now stands as one of the six largest surviving Roman arenas.

If you travel to Istria for any reason, you should visit this relic of age passed. Almost certainly, you will feel the awe and respect for the history of this monument and its builders. Also, during the summer, there are events inside its stone walls almost every week, so even if you are not interested in the past, you can enjoy this fantastic stage.

So, if you are visiting Pula, don’t miss Arena and various events present there during and around summer days.

And if you really fall in love with the city and its surroundings and even consider moving here, we can help you procure the right place for you.

Find out more about the Arena and Pula at the following links:

Arena — Amphitheater — Tourism Office Pula (

Arheološki muzej Istre: Amfiteatar (

Arena — Istria Culture (

#Amphitheater #PulaArena
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