Nduga (Papua) people are forgotten

Albertus Vembrianto
1 min readJul 15, 2019


©Albertus Vembrianto — Martinus (10), one of Nduga’s refugee children.
©Albertus Vembrianto — Martinus (10), one of Nduga’s refugee children.

“I am very hungry”, Martinus (11) whispered me when he finished school hours. Last time he ate was last night. He drank water to cheat his stomach.

Martinus is one of around 600 children who fled from Nduga regency, Papua, after the shooting incident of Trans Papua workers, early December 2018.

Around two thousands more Nduga residents from sixteen districts evacuated out of their villages. There are thirty two districts in Nduga regency. They were afraid because of the presence of security forces who were combing the villages. A number of residents also died of illness and lack of food. Until the last month 136 people died.

Nduga refugees are still surviving in the houses of relatives around Jayawijaya and Lanny Jaya regency. They are traumatized by the presence of security forces and food shortages.

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Albertus Vembrianto

Photographer, Visual storyteller, based around Papua, Indonesia. World Press Photo 6x6 Global Talent. Contact: vembriwaluyas@gmail.com