Venba Kathir
2 min readMar 16, 2023

Why Littering is Bad for the Earth

By: Venba Kathiravan

Have you told anyone to stop littering? If yes that is awesome. I’ve told lots of people that littering is bad.

How Trash can Effect the Ocean and Animals

I am a pet lover, and one of the reasons I am against littering is because it is bad for marine animals. Sometimes if you litter,the trash goes into the ocean and animals get affected by the plastic cover and plastic water bottles. Animals mostly get caught by plastic covers thinking that they are food. Turtles eat jellyfish and sometimes they think that the plastic bags are jellyfish. The turtles get choked and eventually pass away.

The Resources

Another reason that litter causes trouble is that it is bad for the environment and causes global warming. Because of global warming we don’t get our resources such as, Rain, hail, and snow. Without those we might not be able to live.

On the Road Problem

My third reason is that litter causes trouble . Sometimes people’s cars get stuck because of litter that was on the road which would get stuck in your

car and probably get broken and will need to go to the repair shop. That costs a lot of money.


In conclusion, in my opinion littering is bad for the earth, society, and animals. I hope you guys learned to not litter, or learned to recycle, and pick up their waste. I hope this changed your opinion on

“Pick up your trash!!!”

save the our mother Earth