Cool facts about Space

David V
2 min readJust now


1. Neutron Stars are f*cking HEAVY

  • A penny—sized neutron star would weigh about a billion tons on Earth!!
  • Neutrons are remnants of supernovae whose protons & electrons literally fused into neutrons because of immense gravity.

2. Galaxies Collide Without Even Touching

  • When galaxies collide, the stars are soooo far apart they almost never actually crash into each other.
  • Instead, their gravitational forces just reshape each other, making new shapes like rings and tidal tails.

3. There’s a Supermassive Black Hole at the Center of Every Galaxy

  • Most galaxies, including our Milky Way, have a supermassive black hole at their core, millions to billions of times more massive than the Sun.
  • These black holes are key to the formation of galaxies, BUT WE DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT BLACK HOLES ARE MADE OF.

4. Dark Matter Makes Up Most of the Universe

  • About 85% of the matter in the universe is dark matter, which doesn’t emit light and is invisible, but we know it’s there because of its gravitational effects.
  • It’s one of the biggest mysteries in modern astrophysics.

5. Quasars are the Brightest Things in the Universe

  • Quasars can outshine entire galaxies and are visible billions of light-years away (powered by supermassive black holes, duh).
  • They are incredibly distant and provide a glimpse into the early universe.

6. Pulsars Spin Faaaaaast

  • Pulsars are rapidly spinning neutron stars that emit beams of radiation. The fastest known pulsar rotates 716 times per second.
  • These cosmic lighthouses help scientists study extreme states of matter.

7. Galactic Cannibalism: Larger Galaxies Eat Smaller Ones

  • Larger galaxies often grow by merging with and absorbing smaller ones, a process known as galactic cannibalism.
  • The Milky Way has consumed several smaller galaxies in its history.

8. The Universe is Expanding Faster Than the Speed of Light

  • While nothing can travel through space faster than light, the fabric of space itself can expand faster, causing galaxies to move away from us at superluminal speeds.
  • This expansion is driven by dark matter (because of course).

