Chill Circuit With (Too) Many Switches

Lisa Maldonado
2 min readFeb 16, 2018


Living in the fast paced age of information often leads to information overload. No matter where I look, I’m often bombarded with way more information than I need or want making it difficult to spend time just experiencing the world. So last weekend I decided to make something that would help me facilitate an environment that promoted relaxing and taking a step back from all the excessive advertisements and bombardment of interruptions.

The way I did this was by making a simple circuit that would only light an LED if my room door was closed, I had a comfortable scarf on and had my phone on a piece of paper (and out of my hands). A way to make it sure that all these requirements were met was to create a switch for each one and to have them in series. The circuit won’t be closed unless all of these criteria are met.

Since I didn’t have any switch components, I searched my home for any conductive material. I found foil, sew-in metal clasps and I had conductive copper tape from class.

Random conductive material I found around the house

In addition to the above items, I also used a basic breadboard, a 9 volt battery, battery connector, solid 22 gauge wire, 1K Ω resistor, a red LED and a lot of alligator clips. Here’s a video where I tested all of these components and conductive materials to make sure they worked before I sewed or put anything on my wall:

Testing everything!

The foil I used on the door and door frame, such that when the door was closed the two pieces of foil would touch. I sewed the metal clasp onto a shawl styled scarf (and regretted not getting conductive thread). Lastly, I decided to use conductive tape to create a simple paper circuit that would allow the tape to touch the longer leg of the LED when pressed, in my case, when my phone is on it.

A foil switch taped to my door and wall

Although all this circuit does is light an LED, it served as a visual reminder that it’s time to relax! The chances of me using this at its current state are pretty slim, but I do like the idea of stepping away from my phone and other distractions to just chill. Perhaps I’ll revisit this idea and re-design the way it works in the future~(=^..^)/!



Lisa Maldonado

student, designer, coder, tinkerer, local biscuit wombat 🌸