7 Myths About Marketing

Sharanya Venkatesh
4 min readFeb 17, 2018

As a young high school graduate in Bangalore, India; I remember the looks of horror on “adult” faces when I told them I was going to take Arts in college. Their faces all had some variation of the same message- “Oh, so you just want to course through college and forget about a career…”

Later, when I told people what I do for a living, I got a different kind of face, “Marketing? So you go door to door and sell encyclopedias.” Now, there is nothing wrong with selling encyclopedias, door to door. I would argue that a large part of my generation’s interest in the world comes from these encyclopedia sets and that was a legitimate way to sell them at the time.

Encylopedias of course! (Pic Source: www.pexels.com)

However, the point of this article is not encyclopedia sales. As a Marketing professional, I want to put some of the widely held myths about my profession to rest. Let’s talk about what Marketing isn’t!

1 Marketing is the same as Sales

As closely related as Marketing is to Sales, it is not the same thing. Marketing can have many goals, from building awareness, to understanding user behavior and market conditions. Promoting or increasing sales is one such goal.

Secondly, a lot of companies have a separate sales department to find leads, convert them and maintain those customer relationships. Marketing’s role in this endeavor is to aid sales by creating…



Sharanya Venkatesh

Op-Ed pieces on areas of my professional (and personal) interest, told mostly from experience and in plain English.