VueJS Developer Roadmap 2025 (Every Budding Vue Developer Should Know)

Venkatesh B </>
4 min readAug 15, 2022



Hi readers, This is my fourth blog of the Roadmap Series. Here I Listed all the Vue topics to learn level by level to master Vue.

This is not the Top to End Roadmap for React. This is part of My First Complete Front End Development Roadmap (blog). If you did not read that blog mean please read at the below link. In that, At Level 2 we need to pick one Javascript Framework. Now we chose to Vue as the first JS Framework. So we should know what are things to learn to master Vue.

Link :-

Let’s learn….

Introduction to Vue

Vue ( like view) is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single page application . It builds on top of standard HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and provides a declarative and component-based programming model that helps you efficiently develop user interfaces, be it simple or complex.

You can us Vue to develop following things

  • Enhancing static HTML without a build step
  • Embedding as Web Components on any page
  • Single-Page Application (SPA)
  • Fullstack / Server-Side Rendering (SSR)-(Nuxt)
  • Jamstack / Static Site Generation (SSG)-(VitPress,Nuxt)
  • Targeting desktop, mobile, WebGL, and even the terminal

Vue uses Virtual DOM. Virtual DOM is a way of representing the actual DOM of a webpage with Javascript objects. Given any HTML element, we can create a Virtual Node to represent it.When virtual nodes start to change, Vue compares the new and the old state and decides if the DOM needs to be updated. This process is called reconciliation. If a change is required only the associated DOM nodes will be altered with the rest of the tree to remain intact.


I found the above image from There we can see all the Roadmaps for FrontEnd, BackEnd, DevOps, Full Stack, etc.

Basic to advanced things every vueJS Developer should know are

Level 1 (Web Basics and VueBasics)

Learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript (very Important) with all things I mentioned in the Front End Development Roadmap up to the stage of picking the Javascript Framework or Library.(Link- ).

Then Learn

  1. VueCLI- Vue-CLI is just a tool that generates Vue projects from templates.
  2. JSX
  3. Virtual DOM
  4. Components- Single File Components
  • Component Registeration
  • Props
  • Events
  • Attribute Inheritance
  • Fall through Attributes

5. API Styles-

  • Composition API
  • Options API

6. Templates

  • Text Interpolation Ex:- {{ var_name }}
  • Raw HTML (using v-html directive or text interpolationl)
  • Attribute Binding (Ex-- v-bind and Shorthand method like :id="var_name")
  • Directives (Ex:- v-bind , v-for , v-if , v-on ,etc)
  • Modifiers (Ex:-v-on:submit.prevent="onSubmit"-Here .prevent modifier tells v-on directive to call event.prevntDefault() on triggered event.)

7. Two Data Binding

8.Class and Style Binding

Level 2 ( Vue Basics 2)

  1. App Configurations
  2. Conditional Rendering (using v-if,v-else,v-else-if and v-show and thier difference)
  3. Rendering Lists (using v-for directive)
  4. Lifecycle Hooks-
  5. Forms Handling
  6. Events Handling
  7. Computed Properties
  8. Template Refs

Level 3 (Vue Advance Topics- 1)

  1. Composition API in Detail - setup() or <script setup
  • ref and reactive and their difference
  • toRefs
  • computed
  • watch
  • nextTick
  • Composables

2. Options API In Detail

2. Reactivity API in Detail -e.g. ref() and reactive(), that allows us to directly create reactive state, computed state, and watchers.

3. Async Components

3. Teleport Components

4. Dependency Injection- Provide() and Inject()

5. Custom Directives

6. Custom Events

7. Plugins

8. Watchers

9. Slots

10. Keep Alive

10. Animations -Transition and Transition Group

Level 4 (Vue Advance 2 — Ecosystem)

  1. Routing — Vue Router
  2. Forms
  • Vue Formulate
  • Vee Validate
  • Vuelidate

3. State Management

  • Vuex
  • Pinia

3. Styling

  • Vuetify
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Element UI

4.RestAPI Calls

  • Axios
  • Unfetch
  • superagent

5.GraphQL API Calls

  • Apollo
  • Vue Relay

6. Server Side Rendering(SSR)

  • Nuxt.js
  • Quasar

7. Static Site Generator (SSG)

  • Nuxt.js
  • Vuepress
  • Gridsome

8. Web Components with Vue .

Level 5 (Testing)

Testing Libraries to test Vue

  1. Jest
  2. Vue Testing Library
  3. CyPress


Do some CRUD Operation like Todo APP with ref and then do with state management library like Vuex, etc, And do CRUD with API Integration(using any public API) with the Help of HTTP Client like Axios. And then do some Clone APP like Facebook clone, Amazon Clone, and Apply all the concepts you learned. And start to test the component with any Testing Library.

Keep updated yourself and be aware of upcoming versions and their features. And Check out this official vue blog page for upcoming features.


I hope this blog is very useful for beginners and fresher who are working or training as Vue.js developers or Front-End Developer or Full Stack Developer. Thanks for reading. Have a good day ✌️.

Don’t worry this is just the RoadMap, I will write the blog for all the topics and concepts which are present in the above Image.

If you think something is missing, have questions, or would like to give feedback, go ahead and leave a comment below. I’d appreciate the feedback.

My Roadmap Blog Series

  1. Full Front End Development Roadmap-

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Please Share your feedbacks and topics you need to learn on Command .Based on that I will enhance my Blog.

Thanks for reading….Stay tune Bye…



Venkatesh B </>

Hi readers, I am Venkatesh from India. I am a Full Stack Developer and blogger.JS Lover. JS|TS|React|Angular|Vue| Nodejs|NestJS|SQL|MongoDB|MYSQL