What is Customer Avatar?

Venkat G
5 min readMay 30, 2020


Customer Avatar means defining your target customer.

When you have decided to start a business you should know who is target customer, what is their gender, what is the average age, what is there education background, what is their average income, what is their hobbies, which cities they are from, what are their likes and dislikes. You have to ask these kinds of questions to your target customer. Then you will be able to understand customer needs better.

How to target your target customer?

Once you have decided who is your target customer, now its time to start targeting them to become your customer. It's one of the important tasks to find and approach your target customer.

Even though it feels easy, actually when you start this process you will understand the difficulty in finding the right customer who suits your product/service. Start with your friends' circle, colleagues, relatives who are matching your target customer. Ask all the questions which are required to build great product service and what expectations they have from products which you are offering and what all things to include make the product more attractive. In the next stage of targeting customers go to real-world start approaching prospective customers, talk to them, interact more often, and go for the maximum number of prospective customers.

How to build a customer base?

Now you know who is your target customer, what exactly they looking in your product and service. It is time for building a customer base. The best way to build a customer base is through mail and personal messages.

Connect with your Target customer

  1. Email and Messaging: Email and messaging are more powerful than social media. People say Emails are old fashion and it is no more good idea. That’s not true from olden days till now people are connected through communications of letters, mail, and messaging. Email and messaging will be there forever. Whoever using this platform effectively will survive for long term.
  2. 1) Power of Words: Words can make or break. When the words articulated effectively people who are reading your mail connect with you and start beliving your words, your product, and services. When writing mail readers should feel it's written to them. The reader has to sense one to one communication

How to write effective mail to your prospective customers?

Headline matters: When you are writing focus on using attractive and interesting headlines. Headline should encourage people to read your mail/article. If your headline is good, attractive there is 80–90% chance that customers will start reading your mail/article.

Each Sentence is very important: Once you have captured the audience attention to read your mail/article with headline, you have to ensure the first sentence is effective and it encourage to read second sentence and the second sentence should encourage read the third sentence. Each sentence is very important.

Effective writing is very important one weak sentence can make or break entire flow of your communication.

Use simple English so that everybody can read effortlessly. Join the conversations in the customer's mind; your words should talk to who is reading your mail or article.

Life Goals and Personal Coaching — Customer Avatar

I have been thinking of personal coaching from long time, decided to check what exactly people think of personal coaching, life goals, hobbies, and behavior of individuals.

Also, I have asked what they expect from a personal coaches, how much they are willing to pay for one to one sessions. Below I have shared my finding.

Click on the below link to check my questionnaire on Life Goal and Personal Coaching.


Below are finding for my survey.

  1. Most of the respondents prefer fitness/health goal and Personal goals than Financial goals, Business/career Goals. This is a good sign that people are more interested in fitness, health and personal development.
  2. 31% of respondents feel lack of knowledge and skills and 27% of respondents feel lack guidance/personal coaching stopping them from achieving their goals.
  3. More than 50% of the respondents prefer to opt for a personal coach. Which is also go sign of people prefer having a personal coach. Also, most of the respondents prefer experienced and specialized coaches at an affordable fee.

My Ideal customer avatar:

Name : Mr. K,

Age : 34 years

Gender : Male

Marital Status : Married

City : Mumbai

Avg Income : 5–10 Lakh

Priority : Health, Fitness and Personal development goals

Prefers to have personal coach.

Conclusion :

Focusing on target customers is the most important task of any company or project. Spend most of the time on deciding and customer avatar. Better you know your customer, you can customize products and services as per their needs. Your job is to give what the customer wants. This can be only possible when you know your customer avatar.

So What is Your Customer Avatar?

This article is part of my assignment in Digital Deepak Digital Marketing Internship.

For more information about Digital Deepak, courses, internship visit www.digitaldeepak.com

Your comments and suggestions are most welcome…

