AI and Linguistic Evolution: The Digital Catalyst in Language Dynamics

Venny Turner
4 min readAug 16, 2023
Photo by Hannah Wright on Unsplash

Language has always been a living, breathing entity. It evolves, it adapts, and occasionally, it becomes extinct. Historically, factors like migrations, conquests, and cultural interactions influenced linguistic shifts. Now, the digital age, characterized by the rapid proliferation of technology, has acted as a significant influencer in the way languages progress. Among the myriad technologies reshaping our world, artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as a significant driver in the evolution of linguistic dynamics.

The Role of AI in Language Advancements

With the integration of AI in our daily lives — think Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant — there’s an evident influence on how languages are spoken and understood. These AI tools, designed for natural language processing (NLP), need to understand and generate human languages, pushing linguists and technologists to reconsider the structures and nuances of language.

For instance, when people interact with chatbots or voice assistants, they often modify their language, simplifying sentences or avoiding slang, leading to a new kind of “digital dialect.” Over time, as more people adapt to this dialect, it might influence spoken language, especially among younger generations who grow up in the digital age.

Here are some specific examples of how AI is impacting language:

  • AI is being used to create new words and phrases. For example, the word “selfie” was coined in 2002, but it wasn’t until the rise of social media and AI-powered image recognition that the word became widely used.
  • AI is being used to translate languages in real time. This is making it possible for people from all over the world to communicate with each other more easily.
  • Companies like GPT-4 by OpenAI have introduced chatbots that can engage in dynamic conversations, setting the stage for future linguistic interactions, and creating new possibilities for customer service, education, and entertainment.

AI’s Impact on Language Diversity

AI has the potential to both preserve and endanger linguistic diversity. On the one hand, AI can be used to document and revive endangered languages. By analyzing limited datasets, AI can generate new sentences in these languages, which can help to teach and preserve them. For example, the AI-powered language preservation project Rosetta@home is using AI to help revive the endangered language of Quechua.

On the other hand, AI models that are primarily trained on dominant languages may struggle with less common languages or dialects. This could inadvertently prioritize major languages over regional ones, potentially accelerating the decline of already endangered dialects. For example, a study by the University of Oslo found that Google Translate was more accurate for major languages like English, French, and Spanish, but less accurate for less common languages like Norwegian and Finnish.

Bridging the Gap with Translation Tools

One of AI’s marvels in the linguistic realm is real-time translation tools. Apps like Google Translate or Duolingo use AI to break language barriers, making global communication more accessible. This is encouraging multi-lingualism, which is beneficial for linguistic diversity. For example, a study by the Pew Research Center found that the use of translation tools has increased the number of people who are able to communicate with people from other countries.

However, it is also important to note that AI-powered translation tools are not perfect. They can sometimes make mistakes, which can lead to misunderstandings. For instance, a phrase in one language might be translated too literally, missing out on cultural or contextual nuances, leading to potential misinterpretations. It is important to use these tools with caution and to be aware of their limitations.

The Future: Co-Evolution of AI and Language

As AI systems become more integrated into our linguistic landscape, they will not just respond to our language changes but actively influence them. We’ll find AI coining new terms, shaping the popularity of certain phrases, or even introducing new grammatical structures. It is important that developers and linguists work together to ensure that AI respects and nurtures linguistic diversity rather than inadvertently suppressing it. This symbiotic relationship between AI and language promises not just technological advancements but a richer, more diverse linguistic tapestry for future generations.

In conclusion, AI isn’t just a bystander in the narrative of linguistic evolution. It’s an active participant, shaping, influencing, and sometimes challenging the very essence of how we communicate. As we stand on the cusp of more AI breakthroughs, it’s intriguing to ponder where our languages will go next and how they’ll sound in a world deeply intertwined with machines. It’s a shared journey of AI and humans, and our combined efforts will determine the richness or impoverishment of our linguistic future.



Venny Turner

Ever-curious problem-solver and lifelong learner. Passionate about making things easier to understand.